Most Important WordPress Plugin: Every Web Programmer Should Know
WordPress has become a growing platform for promoting web content for different purposes of business.
Nowadays, WordPress website development is an easy task because of the WordPress plugins. The plugins help to extend functionality by adding new features to your websites.
There are over 50,000 WordPress plugins that help to manage complex functions while developing the website.
Being a WordPress programmer, you must know how you can use the plugins for the enhanced performance of your website.
WordPress provides free and paid plugins to customize your website. You can choose the plugin that is suitable for your project. Even a web programmer can easily make a website without knowing a single code. You do not need to hire a WordPress programmer.
In this article, we will outline the seven best WordPress plugin for web programmers.
Best 5 WordPress Plugin for Web Programmers
WordPress plugins help in web development. There are some specific plugins that every WordPress developer should have. But choosing the right one is a difficult task. Here we will review the best plugins for web programmers.
Let’s get started:
Theme Check Plugin
Themes are significant in web designing. The theme check plugin ensures that it matches the theme standards. If you are a kind of developer who likes to check everything in themes, then this is a perfect addition to your current platform. There are over 70,000 theme check plugin installations on WordPress.
To do the test, you have to run through the simple menu. All the results will be displayed at once. The theme supports the latest version of standards and practices. Theme check plugin checks the :
- Admin menu
- Check for bad things
- Constants
- Depreciation checks
- Landing checks
- Line ending
- Additional checks
- Text domain etc.
Debug Bar Plugin
Bugs are a common problem in website development. Every programmer finds it challenging to tackle. But, you can add a debug bar to your web pages to check the unwanted activities. You can add a debug bar to the admin menu, which shows the query and cache that shows the debugging information.
- WP_DEBUG helps to track the PHP warning and notices to find them more accessible.
- SAVEQUERIES helps to track and display the queries.
Debug bar gives you some valuable information. You can quickly identify cache options and issues in the database. You can attach the add-ons to gain more analytics.
Query monitor Plugin
Query monitor plugin is the tool panel for WordPress. This plugin is an approach to answer all the queries in the database. It is equipped with the Ajax calls, user capability checks, REST API calls.
The plugin focused on displaying all the information in the right way. It can group the queries by the plugins, functions, and themes that are useful for further approaches.
This tool is more advanced. You can check in the datasheet that shows what is working well and where improvements are required.
It is pre-defined in the Query Monitor’s output that shows how to the administrator on single-site installations or multisite installation.
Additionally, you can easily authenticate the authentication cookie, which allows you to view Query Monitor output without log-in.
WP Reset
If something went wrong with your website and you are not able to solve the problem, then you can reset the database and start it again. WP Reset makes everything fast and straightforward without any modification in the file.
WP Reset is the fastest way to restore the database. It is the process that quickly deletes your custom-made posts, pages, users, and tables. WP installation is best for the fresh WordPress installation. WP reset asks you several times before you want to reset.
You can easily restore the WordPress installation with some specific snapshots in the database. It is advantageous if you want to test demo data, and you can return to an earlier snapshot with little hassle.
CSS Hero
CSS Hero is a very accessible plugin to add the custom CSS styles. It helps to meet the needs of the Administrator who likes to create CSS with the WordPress website. CSS Hero makes the site more responsive and reduces the risk of “breaking” your website’s. The web designer can add the animation by merely adding the feature. It does not affect the speed of your website.
Above mentioned are the Top 5 WordPress plugins for every web designer. You can use the plugins as per the requirement. WordPress plugins work according to the latest coding standards and practices. Each plugin delivers its best result for the project so that the user can easily create the website without any hassle.
Hopefully, this article would be very beneficial for web designers and developers.
If you have any queries, feel free to ask the question in the comment section.
Thank you for reading!!