Most Important Things We Learned in 2020
(Empty roads on the street of the Indian national capital New Delhi)
I was under stress when COVID-19 hit my world, but my inside voice told me to be calm and continue doing what I am doing. and now in 2021, I can see that my inside voice was right. We learned to love ambiguity because everything we have known is changing.
we, as humans continue to learn that we can do difficult things, things that may look impossible first. I first grasped this when my father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He died in only 4 months. After that my sister died of Covid-19. Coping with the grief and the loss of 2 family members in just 6 months was very overwhelming. I discovered that I had an inner strength that was rooted in self-compassion and the love for this world, and to give something back to this world before I leave it for heaven, carried me through this very challenging time. Instead of focusing on the negatives, I learned to focus on the positives.
(Eempty movie theatre)
2020 reinforced the value of building not just a company but also a community. As people were doing work from home, companies learned about the value of investing in the people who comprise a company. It has been amazing to see how adaptable people were, to transition into remote work. Throughout the year, we continued to grow, innovate and collaborate remotely.
We learned that sometimes we must pivot and change things up a little in our businesses. It’s not about how we are going to survive as a business, but what we are going to do to survive as a business. Find the need, come up with a plan and push forward. We saw innovations happening on a global scale to meet the challenges of this pandemic. Companies all over the world have accelerated their pace of change—it’s survival of the fittest and humans are fit to think good of our species.
(empty New Delhi International Airport in lockdown)
We learned that People are above everything, whether it's the team or investors or advisors or the partners, people matter the most. Navigating businesses through a global pandemic was not an easy task, but companies who believed in the people survived and succeed also. The pandemic showed us who is really important in our life. We learned that relationships matter more than anything.
So in the end, I would only say that life is simple, don't make it complicated. Just enjoy every moment and don't take this life very seriously.
Always remember, what one of the great 21st-century philosophers said.
Why So Serious
- Joker