The Most Important Thing You Can Do
What do you think is the most important thing Christians can do to advance the kingdom of God?
If we posed this question to professing believers throughout the United States, the responses would be eye-opening. Many influential church leaders would advocate watering down the truth for mass consumption. Yet, we know that is not how the Great Commission will succeed. The Bible gives a strikingly different answer.
The most essential thing we can do today to further the kingdom of God is to pray (Matt. 6:10).
Our Lord’s kingdom is not of this world, so it cannot be advanced by worldly means (John 18:36). Delivering souls lost in sin and hardened in unbelief requires nothing less than the sovereign, saving power of Jesus Christ in the gospel (2 Cor. 10:3–6). Christ alone is the conquering Redeemer whom even the gates of hell cannot withstand (Matt. 16:18). Therefore, Christians must call upon the Lord in dependent prayer as we heed His command to make disciples in His name, by His power and for His glory (Matt. 28:18–20).
Ligonier Ministries aims to glorify God by equipping the global church with the truth of God’s Word in obedience to the Great Commission. We know this urgently needed Bible-teaching outreach could not continue for a moment apart from God’s provision through friends such as you.
Dr. R.C. Sproul continually underscored the role of prayer in the Christian life and the church’s mission. He emphasized prayer because he emphasized the sovereignty of God. After all, if God did not have absolute control over creation, history, and our individual lives, what use would there be in bringing our requests to Him? Rather, as R.C. reminded us,
“We pray expectantly and confidently, not in spite of the sovereignty of God, but because of it.”
God delights in using our prayers to accomplish His purposes in building His church and redeeming souls from every tongue, tribe, and nation.
The global gospel outreach of Ligonier Ministries is a testament to God’s sovereign kindness in answering the prayers of His people. Looking over 2023, I am amazed at everything the Lord did through the prayers and financial gifts of friends such as you. Last year, God used your prayerful and financial support to:
The Lord hears the prayers of His people and uses our petitions as He takes His Word to the nations (2 Thess. 3:1). We are so thankful for these opportunities to participate with you in advancing God’s kingdom to the ends of the earth.
We can see even more expansive outreach opportunities for 2024. Following the mission entrusted to us by Dr. Sproul to reach as many people as possible, Ligonier is striving to develop sustained and substantial ministry in the most-spoken languages. Billions of souls still need access to this teaching fellowship’s faithful theological material, and the rising generations need clear biblical direction for navigating our changing world. Ligonier remains committed to serving God’s kingdom and helping people grow in His truth. But if we are to see a fruitful year ahead, we need your help.
I want to encourage you, as a friend of Ligonier, to make two commitments in 2024:
To thank you for your support this month, we’ll send you a book that R.C. identified as a great aid to his prayer life: The Valley of Vision. Since my own college days, I have turned to this classic book that draws from the written prayers of English and American Puritans—wise pastors and teachers who excelled in praying with doctrinal precision and insightful depth. The Bible-saturated, God-centered prayers of these forefathers model how Christians today can pray with worshipful reverence. We’ll send you the bonded leather edition of The Valley of Vision in appreciation for your gift of any amount.
Our sovereign Lord is advancing His kingdom worldwide, and He is using Ligonier to help the church in its calling to make disciples of all nations. We are praying that God will richly bless our gospel outreach in 2024 toward this end, and your donation today can be part of the answer to these prayers.
Thank you for being committed to praying for this ministry and its kingdom work so that more disciples may become grounded in the historic Christian faith.
Evangelist, preacher, author
11 个月Evangelize, be a witness, wherever you are and whatever you do. I just opened up my Facebook and instagram lets say being locked and private for all my life. Now I’m suddenly having 5000 friends and thousands of followers who see what the Lord has done for me and what He is doing in my and others evereyday life. Check out a few if allowed,
1 年Amen