The most important "P"
Each week as we look at "leadership", the simple lessons no one ever talks about yet every leader deals with will be discussed.
We often become extremely focused on the metrics, the so called KPI's in our business world, that is in fact important as I said before, if you are not keeping score, you are just practicing, but the real key to leadership is the 3rd "P"
PEOPLE: this is , as I often say, if it were not for PEOPLE, business in fact would be easy. This section will last for many weeks now as in the end the PEOPLE make or brak you as a leader. PEOPLE need constant mentorship, YOU need constant insight and must adpat your style to each person.
The secret or tip # 1 here as a cheat, you never get rid of a bad apple too fast, this is why many managers, directors fail, the dread of knowing you have a bad performer, or a "bad apple" and allowing that bad apple to literally rot the team. People hate conflict and many see the addressing of the bad apple as a conflict, thus avoid it, work around it, move it and the reality, you are making more work, you are damaging the great team members.
So, this weeks lesson, the cheat is, know if you have a bad apple and make sure you are not afraid to address the issues and know the sooner the better or you absolutely will fail and work 30 to 40% harder because of the bad apple. Next week how we prep for this and how we help the team move through it to a positive growth place.
Kevin - The P "People" almost morphed into A for "Apple" ?? You're insight are spot on and I've personally watched "bad apples" erode and undermine teams as well as their leaders when not dealt with directly. On the flip side I've also seen "good apples" who lift up their teams and contribute meaningfully in subtle ways through positive engagement be under valued and not appreciated by managers (can be equally important mistake). The work environment would be a better place if more leaders dealt with bad apples as you've suggested. Great insights.