The Most Important Leadership Quality
There is much written about leadership and rightly so as there is so much to learn and life is changing at such a rapid pace. Some experts say communication is number one trait while others vision. Some say it's a tie. Still others argue that in order to lead one has to be the problem solver. While all of these are true; they still are not the most important. We must examine that of Jesus to learn what is most important. It is love.
Jesus taught that the most important command is to 'love'. For without love there is nothing. If there is nothing from where is one attempting to lead? The life of Jesus and what He endured reveals much about the undying love one has for another. It was love that He was able to look beyond the woman with 5 husbands, to heal the woman with the issue of blood, to know He was going to be betrayed and forgive. It is because of love that He was able to carry about the commands of the Father; and with grace I might add.
When it comes to leading others we must be in the proper position within our hearts otherwise the point of where we are leading would be much less than any level of excellence we can hope to achieve. We can have passion although if it's hidden in hate what's the point? We must be grounded in love. We can learn from scripture that Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. (1 Cor 3:4-5) When it comes to leading others; if you are the first to get impatient, resent the call of those you are leading; or are angered by your employees or disciples then what seriously do you hope to gain in the end? If you are merely there to point out how ignorant those below you what level of success will they achieve?
Jesus as a leader is a problem solver no doubt. We know that He was honest and pleasing to the Father. We know that. We can identify that He too didn't make every sale and He too took time off to rest and had an interesting childhood; to say the least. So when we truly examine Jesus as the person and how He led it was because of His love for others that He was and is successful.
When I truly reflect on Jesus as a leader what grabbed me the most was that it was because of His love that I was able to approach Him in the first place. I was so broken and damaged and rejected. It was only because of His love that I am redeemed and free from the bondage I was in. It was because of His love that I was able to see into the depths of myself what could be possible that I never could before. You see; the other so called leaders thought and saw less of me than Jesus did. But because Jesus is love He saw and sees beyond. He saw the beauty while others saw the beast and what He saw is more than what I can describe here today.
As such the love that He has for me that I have been able to receive has transformed my entire existence. It is because of His love and leading by love that I follow. The same can be true for you too; that people will follow when they know you truly love them; as you love yourself. Not like them but have genuine love them for them. They will do amazing things and be inspired in ways that you can't begin to imagine! And so on this day I pray the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance for the betterment of you and those around you. God bless you in Jesus name.
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Dr. Julie is president of Julie Blair Ministries helping people worldwide know Jesus. Her tv and radio programs Living in Forgiveness reaches 3 billion daily for Christ. Dr. Julie has been a guest on The Today Show, Colorado and Company and Good Morning Texas.