Donald Chipman
Healthpreneur in Cellular Technologies, Self-Healing - teaching about how to prepare your body to heal itself! Explore new technology for absolute optimum health!
With the world health crisis that we are being faced with, everybody is becoming more conscious about maintaining their immune system. This new science is exactly what we are looking for. I recently discovered the field of Redox Science. Redox is our body's chemistry stabilized in a bottle. Tests have shown that this will boost your body's ability to produce glutathione by up to 800%. Glutathione is the body's self-produced antioxidants. This happens to be what will help stave off viral attacks on your system. When we drink it, it allows our body to heal itself regardless of what the problem is. Every cell in our body contains hundreds of mitochondria. These mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell and it produces Redox. Your body's DNA is designed to produce less of this Redox every day of your life. When you have reached 70 years old your body is only producing less than 10% of what they were at 10 years old.
James Watson shared the discovery of DNA and received a Nobel Prize for medicine. He is presently working with Redox in his lab and has stated that the discovery of REDOX signaling molecules is many times more important than DNA discovery.
This is something that you will want to share with everyone. At first, it actually sounds too good to be true, but there are thousands of people that are seeing amazing results, and that is what is making this company grow. The fact that they are debt-free and did over 200 million last year is a real positive, that proves they are doing things right. We have found that the human body is built to live in total comfort and this product is allowing that regardless of the situation. The building blocks are always there and ASEA Redox short circuits the body's DNA that is programmed to make less of these Redox Molecules each day until we die. This is allowing the body to repair or replace any free radical cells that are responsible for any discomfort. The company has grown to 33 countries. They have 31 patents on the technology and they have many opportunities opening up every day. Maintaining your body's immune system is always what we should strive for and I challenge you to find anything that will actually do that better. For more information open this link. The password "redox"