The Most Important But Hardest Skill To Master
The most important skill to master, but yet the hardest skill to master, is DISCIPLINE. This is the one skill that if mastered, can change your life. When the motivation dissipates and it will, discipline is what keeps you going. Discipline is what helps you fight the urge.
When you get the urge to grab a candy bar, discipline chooses the apple.
When you get the urge to skip a workout, discipline chooses the gym.
When you get the urge to party when you have a test coming up, discipline chooses to study.
When you get the urge to put off your chores, discipline chooses now.
When you have a budget you need to stick to, discipline keeps you on track.
Any task or goal that you wish to accomplish, discipline will play a huge role.
Discipline is the number one skill that the successful have in common. This is what separates them from the pack. The bad news is it’s probably the hardest skill to master, but the good news is it can be done by anyone who is willing. For a lot of us maybe we have reached that point in our life where you just cant seem to get over the hump. We may also feel that life has kind of plateaued out. You are probably thinking to yourself “Damn!!! I can’t seem to get to that next level, I can’t break through!!!” and frustration starts to kick in. But if you really sit back and be honest with yourself, How disciplined are you in the areas of your life that you need to be disciplined in to help you get to that next level??? Everyone’s vision for success in their life is different. Not everyone wants to be the next Bill Gates, for some it might be eating healthier and getting fit, for another it maybe just simply wanting to be more organized. Whatever the case is you are coming up short in the areas you want improvement in.
With discipline comes consistency, with consistency come results over time. For example, if you want to build muscle you have to be disciplined to go to the gym consistently over time, which should result in more muscle mass. There are some things we can do to build our discipline. I recommend small daily challenges to start out. For example, you want to start cutting back some unhealthy habits in your lifestyle like drinking a lot of sugary beverages, Challenge yourself for one day and not drink anything but water. Or maybe you’re trying to save money and you keep eating out for lunch at work, Challenge yourself to pack a lunch the day before so you won’t have to eat out. Maybe you have a business or side project that you want to get off the ground but you find yourself watching Netflix or Hulu every night for 3 hours, challenge yourself to use those 3 hours you usually use watching television to work on that business or project for a day.
But in order for us to get better we all know 1 day challenges alone wont cut it, we have to continue to keep building. The idea is to start small and slowly build this thing up. Go at your own pace, but eventually you want to challenge yourself to go longer periods of time. Once you find yourself getting through a challenge easily, turn it up a notch.
1 Day Challenge
3 – 5 Day Challenge
7 – 10 Day Challenge
12 – 15 Day Challenge
30 – 45 Day Challenge
2 – 3 Month Challenge, and so on…
Usually around the 2 – 3 month mark for the average person a habit is formed, which is always a great thing as long as it’s a good habit. Be sure to write down a list of all the areas and things you want to improve on and keep track of your daily progress. I recommend attacking 2 to 3 things at once off your list if it’s not too overwhelming, if you feel you can do more go for it. Be creative and make it fun!!! Being disciplined doesn’t have to be boring. Make sure you reward yourself for your hard work. Remember we all have the ability to be great and live the life we always dream about. We have the skills, the tools, the knowledge, and the talent within. But without the discipline we always seem to come up short and never maximize our potential. So starting today!!! I challenge you to begin this journey to a more disciplined life!!!
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