The most important 'GENE'? in Regeneration-a strategy to birth and sustain a truly well world

The most important 'GENE' in Regeneration-a strategy to birth and sustain a truly well world

I usually try to write at least one meaningful article a year based on what I have studied, reflections and observations I've made, and conversations I've had between penning my musings. This article is an adaptation of a speech I gave as a Christmas message to my team on the 17th December 2021, but I am writing it now as an aide-mémoire to myself and anyone who is reading this, as we all embark on our journey into the year 2022. What we the 21st Century generation decide to take action on this year, will become the most defining outcomes and impact for the future of mankind and all future generations. I hope this message will illuminate you and pave the way to a truly prosperous year filled with good health, joy, truth and freedom. Even if this touches one person which in turn can accelerate the restoration, rebirth and regeneration of our beautiful people and planet- it will be worth it.

As the CEO of World Wide Generation, I always try to challenge myself and the team to go back to the ‘why’ behind our vision, mission, purpose, values, and culture, and constantly measure ourselves if we are truly on course and living up to our objectives. For this message I wanted to unpack the important meaning behind our names World Wide Generation and G17Eco. Specifically the word ‘Gene’ in Generation and G in G17.

Firstly let's look at the origin and meaning of the word Gene:

Gene from the Greek word genos meaning generation or birth or gender?is a basic unit of heredity and a sequence of?nucleotides in DNA that encodes the synthesis of gene product, either RNA or protein.

Today is Friday December 17 2021, I wanted to deliver this message particularly on this day due to how important the number 17 has always been to me and our platform G17Eco. But over the 2-years of the pandemic I discovered something even more profound about G17.

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Did you know Humans have 46 chromosomes in each cell, divided into 23 pairs. Two copies of chromosome 17, one copy inherited from each parent, form one of the pairs. Chromosome 17 spans about 83 million DNA building blocks (base pairs) and represents about 3 percent of the total DNA in cells. Chromosome 17 likely contains 1,100 to 1,200 genes that provide instructions for making proteins. These proteins perform a variety of different roles in the body and therefore chromosome 17 also holds the key to unlocking abnormality, disease or death in our body system if it duplicates or creates an extra copy of genetic material created in either arm. So as you can see Gene 17 is really, really important for each of us to protect.

Let me tell you a story to illustrate the power of genetics and regeneration:

I was watching a short documentary on the date palm tree that was completely extinct for over 2000 years, but two women in Israel went on a mission to see if they could somehow bring it back to life and inquisitively went in search of the cause of why the Palm was extinct in the first place. Remarkably from very ancient seeds (what seemed completely dead), they were able to grow a male and female tree, mate them together and produce the date fruit. They have completely brought the data palm tree back to life and into habitation again after centuries of extinction. You can watch the extraordinary story here .

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Our planet and humanity feels like it is on the verge of extinction?right now..but I took great hope and inspiration from this story, that we too could adopt a similar strategy...

In 2022 my hope is that we, the 21st Century Generation, would adopt a strategy which focuses on regeneration before sustainability, and heal ourselves first to heal the planet- sustainability comes after regeneration. We need to be like those two ladies in Israel to go and find these ancient seeds that are hidden in nature, animals, citizens, families, communities, organisations and nations, rehydrate them and plant them in fertile soil that will birth them as new trees to create the new earth.?If we can help humanity embed and balance a totally healthy masculine and feminine gene17 into the core of their DNA, it will bear good fruit.?

As most people who follow my work know, I am a strong advocate for causation systemic problem solving. We should always solve and treat the cause (the genesis of a problem) not the symptoms, and prevention is always a better strategy than cure. As we find ourselves 2 years into this pandemic, there are two narratives and supporting evidence on both theories of the cause of the pandemic ie. 1) that this virus came from zoological transmission or 2) that this virus was engineered in a lab, accidentally or intentionally leaked. Unfortunately to date we still haven't concluded on this, and without this being our first data point, this has had significant impact on our assumptions and combative strategy. Here is a really insightful UK parliamentary hearing I saw recently regarding the debate on the origins of Covid, but also gave rise to the importance on transparency of data and the need for it to be unbiased, come from source, with an immutable chain of provenance and evidence.

Similarly over the last 2 years, we all started hearing and learning about spike proteins, RNA, mRNA, DNA. As I left discovery of where Covid came from to the experts, I started my own personal journey into learning more about the human body, disease and health to gain more knowledge on prevention rather than cure strategies. Of all the years of study, training and career I've had, I can honestly say nothing was more enlightening or honed my skills more in sustainability leadership than learning about all the layers and dimensions of the human system - I highly recommend it! I'm not sure how anyone could argue that the human body isn't the most powerful, exquisite, complicated and sophisticated technology ever created. I started to realise just how precious our DNA is- 3,300 billion lines of Code creates our life and our body. The more I researched the more I came to understand, that even messing with one letter or chromosome of your DNA code can lead to significant harmful outcomes or impacts, therefore I quickly came to realise that before we ingest, inject, transfer or transfuse anything into our body it is really important to do a lot of research, ask a lot of questions, gather many opinions, read and understand ingredients and processes very carefully. I started to learn so much about our magnificent immune system, and how powerfully engineered this system is in protecting us and keeping us safe. Our immune system knows what to do to create immunity for you and heal itself, you just need to look after it and it will look after you, you very rarely need any other man-made intervention to keep you well, regenerate or sustain you.

There are only 3 causes of ‘dis-ease’,

(1) what you put on or in your body (diet, products you use or consume, stress, fear, lack of exercise etc)

(2) what you have around your body (pollution, lack of sunlight, data you are taking in by what you are watching or listening to through your 5 senses, harmful electromagnetic fields emitted from technology you have around you etc)

(3) what someone or something does to you (like hereditary genetics or unintentional/intentional harm/poisoning etc), you may think that this form of disease is beyond your control but if you can sort out your internal and external environments for the first and second form of disease, you can even help your body master overcoming this third form of disease.


I say all of this humbly but confidently, having proven all these theories on myself and my own organisation first. I can honestly say I have gone from a person who was regularly unwell, paralysed from the neck down and nearly dying because I had so much adrenaline and cortisol in my body, to now where I am busier than I have ever been being a CEO and Founder of a company, but have overcome all hereditary disease, not even visited a Dr or even had a cold since 2016, had people around me with Covid and didn’t get sick from it.?In the midst of all my research about health, well-being, regeneration and sustainability I stumbled upon something even more breakthrough than the discovery of our incredible immune system and this was the Pineal Gland, some Drs call this the God or Genius molecule. This tiny, hidden organ is what every single one of us possess, it can help you discover the mysteries of the universe, solve extremely complex problems, see beyond vision and manifest beyond what’s possible particularly holistic well-being and transformation from the inside out. You can learn more about the Pineal Gland here .

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Therefore the secret to me being totally well is that I have removed all toxicity/poisons from my diet, products, internal and external environment, and as a result I have not had to take any form of medication for over 5 years. Over the past two years in particular during the pandemic I strengthened my connection to God source, through meditation, decalcifying and activating my pineal gland, I have overcome all 3 types of diseases- in my body, mind and spirit but also proven that you really can turn conscious thoughts into reality such as my hopes and aspirations for World Wide Generation and the G17Eco platform.

The source of all generated matter comes from the decision in the mind first, therefore if we want a regenerated planet it has to come from the awakening and raising the consciousness of humanity first to think, believe and know from a regenerative and sustainable mindset.

Eco means Home, and Earth is a nested structure of homes- our body home, our family home, our organisation home, our city home, our planet as our common home. It also forms the trinity of sustainable development, ecology (to learn about our home), economy (to govern and distribute our home), ecosystem (to manage our home). In all interventions, everything must be measured systemically and against a theory of change-input, output, outcomes, impact. Personal sustainability, can and will have global effects, so as I have set out the strategy to heal and regenerate the human body and ourselves first, we can easily apply this regeneration strategy from the micro to the macro and from the local to the global.

Aristotle discovered that to create or grow any living thing you need the 4 elements:?

Earth, Air, Fire, Water

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Tesla discovered this: that our entire biological system, our brain and the earth itself work on the same frequency which is 6-8hz. He concluded before his death that if man can control that resonate system electronically we can directly control the entire mental system of humankind. We are earth, we come from the soil, stay grounded in nature, connect with source and stay harmonious with Earth's frequency of 6-8hz (for true sustainability the Masculine and Feminine vibration needs to be balanced in each of us) don’t let anyone else control your mind but you. All the answers of the universe to the most complex problems and strategies are in nature.


No living thing can live without Air, oxygen, and carbon dioxide- we just need to purify it. Because you can’t see Air, it’s even more important to protect it. And even if you can’t see it, you can feel it and you can be it, inhale and exhale the Air you want to be. Our air is so polluted, but now with the advance of technology and that some form of electronic device is always close to us at any one time, there's now a new predator bombarding our airwaves, electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radiation, we need to consciously and continually remove the pollution from our air and the air of our planet. ?


All of creation needs the sun (vitamin D, solar) we need fire, everything is energy, everything needs light.?It might seem counterintuitive that a fire, which burns plant life and endangers animals within an?ecosystem, could promote ecological health.?But fire is a natural phenomenon, and nature has evolved with its presence. Many ecosystems benefit from periodic fires, because they clear out dead organic material—and some plant and animal populations require the benefits fire brings to survive and reproduce. The pandemic was like a consuming fire that came over the planet, as tough and painful as it was, it was probably needed to burn away everything that was not in perfect resonance with the frequency of the earth, so that the earth can regenerate, and humanity can be reborn.



One of the most important elements is water- as the earth and human beings are approximately 70% water. For us to deliver the very best ecology, economy and ecosystem for Earth's social, economic and environmental systems and assets, the human species should organise ourselves and bring our solutions emanating the governance of water. This is a proverb by a Chinese Philosopher, Lao-Tzo, called The Tao Te Ching, which exemplifies my theory.

"The supreme goodness is like water.?It benefits all things without contention.?In dwelling, it stays grounded.?In being, it flows to depths.?In expression, it is honest.?In confrontation, it stays gentle.?In governance, it does not control.?In action, it aligns to timing.?It is content with its nature?and therefore cannot be faulted."?

So water is honest (one drop of toxicity pollutes it), harmonious (it flows around and adapts to its environment, it doesn't control) and it’s optimal (it can be used as a liquid, solid or vapour depending on maximum impact).? Three main lessons we can learn from the philosophy of water- they nicely abbreviate to H-H-O,?or H2O.?

Aristotle wasn’t fully satisfied with the discovery of the 4 elements and that only these elements exist in all living things, he felt like there was something missing, like how were stars created for instance? And therefore he landed on a 5th element, Aether, or as I like to refer to it as Spirit-It’s the spark of light/frequency/energy that runs through all 4 elements- it is the life force itself which contains the instruction codes to create all life.

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I started the article by outlining that WWG are always defining and challenging our values and therefore I was intrigued in preparing for this speech to benchmark our values against this regeneration strategy in delivering total well-being to people, prosperity and planet. Our 4 values are (1) Transparency which unlocks, (2) Trust which unlocks, (3) Partnership which unlocks (4) Holistic outcomes. You can see the description of our values here , but I started to overlay and intertwine our values with the creation elements to see if we could make them more 'gene' like, so that they could bring life internally and externally to our organisation.

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I want our value of transparency to shine a light to help organisations, nations and citizens to see where they are and deliver the truth to all stakeholders. Light is information, information is data, if all matter (creation) comes from a decision and a thought from the mind, then it is crucial all data must be trusted, traceable to source with an immutable chain of provenance and evidence.

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We must build trust with our stakeholders so we can help lead them in the way they should go, and help them to be trustworthy so others will want to be led by them.?


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To help each of us do our material part and play to our strengths in true partnership, collaboration and co-ordination like a human body, to regenerate ourselves and our planet at scale.


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So that we can all go on a journey to a life of abundance and wholeness and deliver the most holistic outcomes to a world that is truly free- free from poverty, free from inequality, free from injustice, free from hunger, free from climate change-FREEDOM.


The G17Eco Platform is also underpinned by our 5 M’s: Map, Monitor, Measure, Manage and Market which is our system design methodology for regeneration and helping nations, organisations and citizens reach sustainability peak performance. So as I was preparing this message, like Aristotle, I was also now feeling a bit disturbed that our 4 values were not enough and there was still something missing in our gene that we haven’t articulated yet, but it was this element that I saw grow the strongest amongst the WWG team globally over 2020 and 2021. And so today I want to introduce a 5th value, a 5th element to the gene of World Wide Generation and G17, it is the most important gene in regeneration and is central to all 4 values. The 5th Element is LOVE.

Here's a a letter from Albert Einstein to his daughter, Lieserl on The Universal Force of Love, where he beautifully articulates and substantiates the final part of my theory and reasoning for humanity to adopt a personal regenerative strategy-

"To heal the world we must heal ourselves first. We must remember we are part of one global family and we share our planet as our common home. Love is our most important gene, our greatest accelerator to regeneration. It is both the meaning of life and the source of all life"
- Manjula Lee

"Dear Lieserl,

When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me, and what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world.

I ask you to guard the letters as long as necessary, years, decades, until society is advanced enough to accept what I will?explain below.

There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us. This universal force is LOVE.

When scientists looked for a unified theory of the universe, they forgot the most powerful unseen force. Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it. Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others. Love is power, because it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind selfishness. Love unfolds and reveals. For love we live and die. Love is God and God is Love.

This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. This is the variable that we have ignored for too long, maybe because we are afraid of love because it is the only energy in the universe that man has not learned to drive at will.

To give visibility to love, I made a simple substitution in my most famous equation. If instead of E = mc2, we accept that the energy to heal the world can be obtained through love multiplied by the speed of light squared, we arrive at the conclusion that love is the most powerful force there is, because it has no limits.

After the failure of humanity in the use and control of the other forces of the universe that have turned against us, it is urgent that we nourish ourselves with another kind of energy…

If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer.

Perhaps we are not yet ready to make a bomb of love, a device powerful enough to entirely destroy the hate, selfishness and greed that devastate the planet.

However, each individual carries within them a small but powerful generator of love whose energy is waiting to be released.

When we learn to give and receive this universal energy, dear Lieserl, we will have affirmed that love conquers all, is able to transcend everything and anything, because love is the quintessence of life.

I deeply regret not having been able to express what is in my heart, which has quietly beaten for you all my life. Maybe it’s too late to apologize, but as time is relative, I need to tell you that I love you and thanks to you I have reached the ultimate answer!

Your father,

Albert Einstein"

What a great article there are so many gems of wisdom and knowledge important to all of us. Our mind is the best drug and when we understand our body as you mentioned Manjula Lee and it's truly transformative powers we will know how to act in each situation. To become mindful and make the right choices to support our journey. Indeed our body can heal itself when we support it. Our biological age can be reversed when we understand time and actions. Our body hold the key of our existence in connection with the macrocosm. There is so much to explore and learn, let us push science to prove many more! I love the last paragraph that A. Einstein write to his daughter. It is never late to show our growth to others, as time is an illusion. A constant one. Love will always prevail as is the highest vibrational frequency of life. There is hope, we just have to make it happen ??happy new year 22??

Dominique Conterno ECITB GDPRP

Conscious Enterprises Network (CEN) Co-Founder & Advisor at ProDecipher

2 年

Beautiful .message Manjula. Let us make 2022 the year of regeneration.

Kevin Byrne OBE BCAb

Founder of Checkatrade (now sold), Investor & Property developer at Byrne Property Ltd, co founder of Arc Pathway, Light up Trails. Owner of Buchanan Park Homes and lead person of The Byrne Family Foundation.

2 年

Brilliant Manjula. When Lisa's mum had cancer some 12 years ago, Lisa started to look at the causes of disease and like you proceeded to remove all toxicity/poisons from our diet, personal products, kitchen products and invested in the best water filter system we could. I'm pleased to say 2 of my daughters now grown up have adopted many of these traits and have even gone vegan. We rarely get ill and of course have said no to the covid vaccine. In our gym we now have 15 team members, everyone has had covid except, you've guessed it, us 4 (and one other that hasn't been jabbed). We (I mean I), still have a way to go, my diet could be vegan but I'm not there yet but maybe one day. So I'm 100% backing your views. Well done 'as love is the ultimate answer', I'm sending lots and lots to you. Kev x


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