The MOST important decision that you NEED to make?
DrFred Rouse
I Help People Enjoy Retirement Sooner without worrying about a job or a business with breakthrough Short Window Retirement Planning. Details at
You may not know it, but everything that you want in life, every goal you want to achieve, every dream that you want to manifest all comes with a price tag.
There is no free lunch. When it comes to success or failure, you're going to have to pay a price and you're going to have to struggle.
And you're going to have to suffer either way to achieve any goal, to live a life that feels good to you, you must choose the suffering that's right for you.
You must accept that reality. You must embrace that truth and you must live with it every day of your life.
The moment that you choose not to continue to pay the price of success is the moment that you choose to suffer the consequences. It's a failure, which is the worst kind of suffering.
Be very mindful that the suffering cost of failure is always going to be higher than the suffering price for success.?The cost and consequences of failure in a relationship, in a job in a career, or any area can cause a monumental amount of disruption, drama, stress, and unhappiness.
You can see it every day with just a few examples of the suffering costs of failure.
If you lack financial discipline, you will suffer the consequences of debt and sleepless nights.
If you did not manage your diet exercise routine, you will suffer the cost of diabetes, poor fitting clothing, embarrassment at the beach pool party or at the friend's jacuzzi. And, you might even die.
By not investing quality time with your children. You will suffer by paying the price of regret, probably the rest of your life. And probably a lot of psychiatry bills too.
To live a great life, you must deliberately choose to pay the price of success, or you'll be, by default, paying the costs and consequences of failure.
Sooner or later, you will come to the understanding that you must choose your suffering.
Both happiness and misery requires struggle and suffering.
Not one of us gets a free pass on this one. There are no exceptions to this rule.
It’s really simple. If you suffer the costs of discipline, spending, discipline, saving, and investing habits, you will enjoy the peace of mind and you'll enjoy early and worry-free retirement.
If you suffer the cost of daily exercise and proper nutrition, you will get to enjoy a great physique, vibrant energy and an envious brother or sister-in-law.
By suffering the price of love, forgiveness, attention, and patience, you will enjoy a loving relationship with your spouse and children, and a lot less of those psychiatric bills.
True success is something that is achieved by a minority of people.
And it is therefore unnatural and not to be achieved by following our natural likes and dislikes, or by being guided by our own natural preferences and prejudice.
We have to fight that part of our nature. That is why your greatest challenge and most important decision that you need to make in your life is to choose your suffering.
So here's your choice. One of two options. You must decide if you're going to spend your life paying the price of success, or if you're going to spend your life paying the price of failure, the choice is yours.
You get to choose the outcomes of your life. They will be accordance to your choice. I sincerely hope that you make the right call.
Dr Fred “focused on retirement” Rouse, CFP Emeritus
The REAL Money Doctor