The most expensive mistake you’re making right now.
Mike Agugliaro
"After $500M in Sales, Two 8-Figure Exits, Authoring 28 books, speaking on top stages and 4 decades in Martial Arts: I have learned how to help business owners create Life, Business, and Wealth by Design"
This is a long message but it’s worth reading all the way to the end, especially if you’ve ever been frustrated by your team or even if you fear what would happen if you got bad publicity (and the cost it would have to your business).
As a business owner, your team AND your customers look to YOU to lead them.
When a service business owner tells me they’re struggling (either with their team or with their customers) then I usually start by looking at the owner’s leadership and communication skills.
On a scale of 1-10, how strong are YOUR leadership and communication skills?
Let me guess the answer:
... if you struggle with a frustrating team who just does their own thing (even when you give clear instructions)...
... If you struggle with customers who can’t make up their minds or who call your competition instead of you (even though you provide better service)...
... if you’ve avoided pursuing marketing opportunities like TV and radio spots, or speaking in front of a large group...
If any of those describe you then you’re probably rating your leadership and communication skills at 9 or less... maybe even 6 or less.
But what if, on a scale of 1-10, I could turn you into a 12? Imagine what your business would look like if you were a master communicator and inspiring leader that people naturally followed...
- You’ll stand in front of your team and inspire them to follow you – and they’ll eagerly fall in line and everyone will work together
- You’ll ethically lead your customers to make the right decisions for themselves – and you’ll see your revenue and profit rise
- You’ll confidently accept marketing opportunities like TV and radio spots – and you’ll come across like a local expert, which can make your phone ring off the hook with new leads
- You’ll negotiate like a pro and find win/win solutions that everyone is happy with
- You’ll expertly manage bad news and bad publicity without breaking a sweat
- You’ll even communicate more effectively with your wife and kids, PLUS you’ll contribute in meaningful ways at your local church or charity!
Give me just ONE DAY and I will help you take your leadership and communication skills to a 12... and beyond.
On September 12, I’m hosting a one-day workshop:
WARRIOR IMPACT: How To Out-Lead, Out-Speak, And "Out-Expert" Your Competition
I’ll be joined by my friend Joe Williams, a communication expert who launched two successful businesses (including a publicly traded company) before the age of 26 and then went on to work with Tony Robbins.
This guy is the real deal and he’s someone I personally trust as one of THE leading authorities on leadership and communication.
Together, Joe and I are not going to SHOW you anything...
... Rather, we’re going to work WITH you to help you master your leadership and communication skills to position YOU and YOUR BUSINESS as the top expert in your market.
You’ll learn...
- The 5 mistakes people make in leadership and communication and how to avoid them. (Hint: one of the mistakes is: thinking that you have the leadership skills you need to get to the outcome you want; another is lacking authenticity so that people don’t think of you as a "salesperson".)
- The strategies to speak to a group without sounding scripted and rehearsed (you’ll learn how to speak from your heart, soul, and higher self).
- How to massively leverage media opportunities in your marketplace (Mike’s businesses are frequently featured on TV, with huge effect – find out how you can benefit in a similar way in your market).
- How to assess whether you are leading your company from a power position (84% of business owners are not... even though some think they are).
- Why your team DESPERATELY WANTS to be led – and how to take them from doing-their-own-thing to avid "evangelists" of your business.
- How to lead and communicate even when things go bad (this is an ESSENTIAL skill that is overlooked... but if you ever get bad publicity or even if a natural disaster strikes your market, this skill can save your business and even save lives).
- How to leverage these same skills to enjoy a richer relationship with your wife and kids (yes, even if your kids are teenagers with a ton of attitude right now)... AND learn the 3 ways to use these skills in your church or charitable organization to have a bigger impact on the world.
- The 8 secrets to negotiate from a position of power! Negotiate ANYTHING with ANYONE (vendors, landlords, disgruntled customers, advertisers... you name it) using these new skills to get the result you want.
Note: this is not the kind of workshop where you sit and take notes and then leave with a bunch of notes only. Yes, you’ll take notes but this is a "hands-on" workshop and every attendee WILL speak. We’ll work with you to coach you and provide feedback and you will literally develop new skills, practice them, and sharpen existing skills during the time we’re together.
The skills you learn here will earn you millions of dollars in your business...
- ... in employees who represent your business and sell more effectively (and do what you need them to do instead of doing their own thing)
- ... in more customers who love you and listen to you because YOU are the market expert
- ... in free publicity from media appearances
- ... in negotiated wins (either more money or more savings) that you personally negotiate
- ... in expertly handling any bad publicity or negative situation that casts you in the spotlight
Any of these outcomes is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. So it’s no surprise that learning these skills from me and Joe together in one room would cost considerably more than $20,000 for a day of our time to guide you and work with you, hands-on.
But for this one-day WARRIOR IMPACT workshop, you can get our expert hands-on guidance to build these million-dollar skills...
... for just $1,000.
(And, you can bring one or more team members for $500 per additional person – what a powerful way to build your leadership team and get them aligned with you!)
And just to assure you that there is ZERO risk to you: Joe and I are convinced that this will be so effective and valuable to you that we have a 120% guarantee: if you get to the end of the event and don’t feel that it provided value, we’ll refund 120% of your tuition. That’s right, if you get to the end of the event and decide that it didn’t have mind-blowing, empire-building value then we’ll give you $1,200.
Here Are The Event Details:
Date: September 12, 2016
Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Location: The $30 Million CEO Warrior Headquarters in East Brunswick, New Jersey
Who this is for: This is for people who want to change the game; grow in their career; lead their company to greatness; gain more wealth, freedom, and market domination through their leadership ability; and build an empire.
Who this is NOT for: This is not for people who want to take advantage of others; it’s not for those who want to sell things that people don't need; it’s not for someone who just wants a pat on the back for giving a good presentation (it’s only for people who are committed to changing their lives); if you want to become a better speaker to feed your ego then this is not a fit for you.
NOTE: Registration is only open for the next 72 hours. After that, we’re closing it down because we know we’ll be more than fully booked in that time. So if anything I’ve said resonates with you so far then you need to take action immediately...
Here’s What To Do Next:
If you are an empire builder who wants to invest $1,000 to develop the million-dollar skills of leadership and communication (and perhaps align your team for an additional $500 per person) then send an email to my Executive Assistant, Caroline Moriarty, at [email protected] right away. She will call you to confirm your details, answer questions, collect tuition, and add your name to the list of confirmed attendees.
(Note: Payment is required immediately for this lifetime opportunity so we are accepting credit cards only and we will not be chasing you for payment. This is for serious empire-builders only – there are no refunds if you schedule and then cancel later.)
Let’s work together to master your leadership and communication skills and build your empire on September 12!
Have a better than great day,
Mike Agugliaro
Business Warrior
PS, We’re opening this up to around 50 people. But I hinted about this event on social media already and, within an hour, I had 15 people lock in. So the seats are going VERY fast. If you want in, you’d better email Caroline Moriarty at [email protected] right away.