The most efficient way to sell more annuities!
David Novak
Founder I Chairman I Innovator I InsurTech, WealthTech, Platforms? ? ?
Once upon a time, in the world of insurance sales, there was a skilled agent named Mark.
Mark had a knack for writing Medicare business and could quickly assess which direction his clients should take.
One call was often enough for him to seal the deal. But Medicare, he knew, held more than just one opportunity.
Four years ago, Mark completed a Medicare plan for a client who then posed a question about an annuity they possessed.
It was a product from a renowned company, but Mark didn't have all the answers.
Determined to provide the best advice, he set out on a quest for knowledge.
Mark delved into the research, uncovering that the annuity in question was a variable product.
He diligently gathered information about the fees involved, reaching out to his Field Marketing Organizations (FMOs) to obtain various illustrations for growth and income prospects.
Armed with these findings, he returned to his client to discuss the expenses associated with the annuity.
However, the client seemed underwhelmed by the results.
Their focus was on growth, and the figures Mark presented didn't impress them.
Determined to find a better solution, Mark devised a new approach for their next meeting.
Instead of relying on paper documents, he brought out his iPad, loaded with an application called Annuities Genius.
As Mark navigated through the app, showcasing different features and options, a hush fell over the room.
The client's attention was captured as Mark pointed out an important detail: the annuity's growth rate was a mere 3.5%.
But due to the significant expenses, which accounted for 48.53% of the total growth, the net rate of return for the client was a meager 1.7%.
The client, intrigued by this revelation, couldn't help but ask the crucial question,
"What should we do?"
Mark smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. Instead of making countless calls to his FMOs, he had already prepared for this moment.
He swiftly accessed the Annuities Genius database, which housed over 96 carriers and their respective products.
With ease and efficiency, Mark compared the client's annuity to a range of alternatives. All this was done in full compliance, ensuring the client's best interests were at heart.
In a mere five minutes, Mark presented his findings, offering viable solutions that far surpassed the previous annuity's performance.
The client was astounded by Mark's expertise and the speed at which he had explored numerous options.
It was at this moment that Mark felt a surge of pride and accomplishment.
He realized he had truly earned the title of "Genius."
From that day forward, Mark continued to harness the power of Annuities Genius, guiding his clients toward safer and more prosperous financial opportunities.
His dedication, expertise, and innovative approach to Annuities Genius earned him the admiration of both his clients and peers alike, solidifying his reputation as a true genius in the world of insurance.
Remember, the power to shape your financial destiny lies within your grasp.
Don't wait for the clock to strike midnight.
Book your demo now and let the enchantment begin: