The most EFFECTIVE marketing tool that costs you absolutely NOTHING
The power of persuasion is vital to convincing potential customers to purchase your product - we all know this, it’s nothing groundbreaking. But do potential customers, social media users etc. always trust what we have to say? Of course not, why would they? We’re incentivised to say and think that our product is better than the rest.?
However, if you’re an established product, with an existing loyal and satisfied customer base, why not let them do the talking…
I can’t remember the last time I bought something without checking the reviews first, even if I’m visiting a golf club for the first time - let alone thinking about purchasing a membership.?
Put simply, your customers are more likely to listen to and believe the exhalations of your business and product from other customers just like them.?
Which leaves the question, are you leveraging your 5* reviews to the best of your ability? If not, don’t worry - here are 3 ways in which you can better utilise reviews to drive your marketing campaigns.?
1) Make leaving a review as simple as possible.?
Two or three clicks - that’s all it should take for a satisfied customer to leave a review. Why not use a post-purchase email which contains two button options? For example:?
For satisfied customers that click button one, perhaps you could push them towards Google or TripAdvisor or any other review site? That way, they can leave their 5* rating and any comments for the world to see.?
For dissatisfied customers that click button two, prompt them to fill in your own internal form to outline how you could’ve done better. No need for the public to see this review, but useful feedback for you and your team.?
Whatever you do, make leaving a positive review as easy as possible - at this stage your customers are helping you out, remember that.?
2) Collate your reviews in one easy-to-access place
Google, TripAdvisor, Facebook etc. who knows where all of your reviews could be spread across the internet. Sifting through several review sites can be a pain to find the perfect soundbite for your next marketing drive and even when you’ve found the perfect review, where do you keep it??
Thank us later and build an internal Google Form.?
Use questions such as who left the review, where, when, what was it about and what did it say? Make the process of sorting these reviews and cataloguing them as simple as possible through streamlined multi-choice questions.
Then, once you’ve filled in the form, send the responses through to a Google Sheet your whole team can access. That way you’ll have all of your brilliant reviews, categorised, in one easily accessible place.
3) “Borrow and steal” key quotes and phrases
Once you’ve made it easy for customers to leave a review and you’ve collated/organised these reviews in one place, you HAVE to make the most of them.?
Found the perfect soundbite that sums up your golf club, business or product??
Use it - quote directly in your next social media ad, email or on your website.?
Do customers frequently use the same keywords to express why they had such a great experience??
Use them - incorporate these specific words into your next campaign or on your website. If 5 customers describe the atmosphere of your clubhouse as “homely” - lean into this key phrase as customers clearly value this sensation.?
Whatever you do, don’t just leave these useful reviews to waste away in your database - use them - you won’t regret it.
Now it’s your turn.
We’ve provided you with guidance on how to make the most of your 5* reviews and now it’s your turn to go out and put these 3 key points into practice.
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