The Most Dreaded Interview Question

The Most Dreaded Interview Question

When I speak to our JobMorph clients and ask, "what's the interview question you most dread," the answers vary. That makes sense, doesn't it. For some, questions about why they left their last job are incredibly easy to answer. For others, who might have been fired, that's an incredibly difficult answer to give. "Tell me about yourself" is a breeze to some; a nightmare to others. Some clients even find interviewing relatively easy -- and get job offers every time. Others have had dozens of interviews and not one single offer. Interviewing -- the whole of it not just one question -- is the challenge for those clients.

The approach we take with our JobMorph clients is to provide group coaching on interviewing (200 minutes of it!) + 1:1 coaching on interviewing for 8 weeks + also prep for upcoming interviews with clients.

In this week's issue, I want to break that down and walk through the rationale for each component of preparing our clients for interviews for their dream jobs. To help you understand how with our support, clients move to the next round in interviews 80% of the time. And how they land their dream jobs. But before we get into the weeds on this, just one powerful idea that I want to get across to you.

Interviewing for your dream job is HIGHLY COMPETITIVE. It's like getting into Harvard or Yale.  Everyone is fantastic and you are competing against all these fantastic people. 

You have to go into it knowing there are internal candidates going for that role because organizations that are dreamy to work at tend to have lots of internal candidates for openings. And you have to go into it thinking that at least one of the candidates is MORE QUALIFIED than you are. And so...

To get the offer you have to outshine the more qualified candidate AND the internal candidate. 

This means you can't just do okay, or passably, or even awesome. You have to be the best. Often the determination of the salary is based partially on the interview. In other words, based on how you perform during this interview the hiring manager and the leaders they report into are either going to give you the top end of the range, the lowest end of the range, or possibly go past the range. It's all about how they perceive your value to them and the organization -- and that's coming through to them from the interview.

I think with that powerful idea in mind, you can understand why the JobMorph team spends so much our our resources as an organization on supporting our clients in the interview process. We want our clients to outperform the internal candidate and the the candidates that are more qualified than they are. We want our candidates to be perceived as the very best possible candidate out there and to get the highest package possible.

The 200 minutes of group coaching on interviewing is me sharing every tip (and resource) I have after helping 42k people over the last 30 years land amazing opportunities. In these sessions, I expose clients to approaches that truly work to answer every interview question and perform well in every single interview they have. Clients have told me these sessions are so jammed with information, they listen to them multiple times to be able to get every nugget out of them. And I've been told, over and over, how these tips work even for people who have never been able to move to the next round in an interview EVER. My goal in every session is to bring into the conversation anything new I have learned from talking with recruiters, hiring managers, and leaders at organizations. So each time, I deliver these sessions, I include new insights, changes in the marketplace, and the latest information there is on how to best approach the interview whether it's live, over lunch, or online.

The 1:1 interview coaching is really about making sure you are solid with every possible question that you could be asked in an interview and can even manage questions where you literally have no idea how to answer the question. Our method is to improve your competency because research demonstrates that this will increase your confidence -- and confidence is truly extremely attractive to recruiters, hiring managers, and leadership. And the research also shows that very few decision makers pay much attention to resume or cover letter in choosing who to make an offer to... what's driving that decision is the interview.

Preparing for an interview is making sure you are really ready to meet the people you are about to meet at this organization. It's making sure you understand who they are and what their organization is truly about; digging deep to be ready with questions that demonstrate your value to the organization -- not just the questions every single soul interviewing shows up with... you know those questions you find on Google. And for some clients, it's about giving them specific insights they may not have about this particular role, this particular company, even this particular recruiter/hiring manager.

Often when I share what we do at JobMorph to help our clients for interviews, people ask me this: do you really think we need this much preparation for interviews? I do. The reality is we don't really spend time in our real lives talking about our accomplishments and so our skills in this are relatively weak. But there is plenty of research (and our own experience with our clients) that demonstrates that with group coaching, 1:1 coaching, and interview preparation, people can become incredibly strong at interviewing, seeing dramatic improvements in their skills and confidence levels. And every single day I see the impact of this approach as people land interviews... and then land multiple offers 60% of the time. So I truly know this works ... not from reading a blog or watching a video... but from experience working with one candidate after another ... watching the impact to their job search of solid interviewing skills.

And here's what's amazing to me -- once you have those skills, you have them. For the rest of your life. For the next job and the job after that. And the one after that. Yes, there was an investment of time (and money) but the impact is enormous and there is a lifetime of return on that investment. Here's my second BIG IDEA for you... if you think it's competitive interviewing for jobs now, just think how much more competitive it will be one rung up, or two, or seven. Yep, it's super easy to get a job that doesn't pay that great, offer that much in benefits, has terrible hours, and awful work/life balance -- but it's SUPER hard to get a great job with great pay... and at some point, you start applying for jobs where there literally is only one role to get per company. Talk about competitive!!

So three steps to be ready: group coaching, 1:1 coaching, and interview preparation. Why is so much work needed to succeed in this process?

To get this offer you have to outshine the more qualified candidate(s) and the internal candidate (s)


The higher up the pyramid you go, the more competitive the process is.

Pretty simple, right? | | 757 741 0123 (text or call) |?Appointment


