The Most Difficult Person to Manage
We have met the enemy and he is us. – Walt Kelly (from his comic strip ‘Pogo’)
We all have areas of growth that we must continually work at or else they can become barrier that can prevent us from growing in our career.?For me, it was time management.?I spent a lot of time concentrating on what tasks were to be done in my head.?That was easy in my earlier years, but as I got older, it began to be a bit more challenging to remember everything.?In fact, what I noticed is that spending several years juggling all the various responsibilities in my head took away from my innovative side that could have made valuable contributions to my team.?My mental capacity was filled with priorities and duties that needed to be done, and when I was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of them creating performance issues, I had no system to fall back on.?As a result, little things would slip through the cracks, and that eventually led to some bigger issues.?Thus began a journey to figure out how to better manage my time.?Friends had given me tools like Franklin Planners, but those empty pages became like more glorified loose-leaf paper that all went to waste at the end of the school year.?My electronic calendar (back then, Blackberrys were the thing), was a glorified toy.?Not a serious instrument of change.
Finally, I went to my first ‘Time Management’ class.?I learned some various tools and techniques that helped me along the way.?Simple little things such as labeling tasks and prioritizing them as A’s (those things that must be delivered), B’s (those things that are important but can wait), and C’s (those things that are nice to have but the world won’t end if not done).?Then, I remembered to start my day prioritizing the As over Bs and Cs.?Next, the seminar talked about how you can utilize a calendar to ensure that you had time to take care of those A level tasks.?It allowed me to better utilize my Microsoft Outlook calendar to the utmost degree.?Before I knew it, all my tasks were being completed on time consistently.?While managing time is a topic I will take up on another day in more depth and detail, the importing learning today focuses on managing something far more challenging and in depth.?You.
The most difficult person to manage is you.?I read a blog titled The 10 Most Difficult People (, and it summarized each person. Reading their titles, most of us can figure out who that person is and what they are like.?They are as listed The Know-it-All, The Interrupter, The Ignorer, The Bore, The Prima Donna, The Work Martyr, The Whiner, The Negativity Spreader, The Rainmaker (Superstars that do things differently even when it breaks team norms), and The Boundary Crosser.?This fascinated me because I knew each of these individuals.?While I knew individuals just like them, I could more importantly see a piece of each in me even to this day.?The difference was over the years, I had either learned mastery over most or ‘managed’ the other of those traits.?Some were fairly easy to master (ex. A mindset always on something to learn to avoid being a ‘Know-it-All), and others were huge challenges that I still have to manage (admitted recovering ‘Work Martyr’).?It is the challenges that make both the additional pitfalls and acknowledgement of our own failures hard for us to see.
So how can we better self-manage ourselves??Rather than give a remedy that solves every individual challenge, here are five tips that provide a good framework to help:
We as leaders must be dedicated to serving our teams.?We observe performance, focus on metrics, and coach, develop, and educate them to be the best they can be.?Why would we not give the same consideration to ourselves??Managing others is a privilege and honor both given and earned.?As such, we need to be at our best by also managing ourselves.?Let us commit to being better leaders by simply looking in the mirror and remembering who we see.?It is the most difficult person we will ever manage and the best equipped person to manage them all in one.