The Most Destructive National Security Issue Ever In America That Many CEO's Are Unknowingly Causing By Executive Orders.
This blog post shares the most important truth in the last 50 years to ever be realized.
I wish I could write it in fewer words to aide any reader's lack of time to consume it but CEOs are unknowingly causing the greatest national security threat America has ever faced and the sad part of it is they know not what they do.
As a technologist of 35 years, I've intentionally been attracted to contract opportunities because the landscape of my predecessors found no job security in direct hire W2 employment. I'd also take on freelance gigs over the course of my career to supplement earning gaps experienced between contract opportunities. This served me well since I was always able to learn the latest technologies on the job and at the same time become a greater value proposition for the next employer.
The reality is most job descriptions are not written with reality in mind many today are asking for the kitchen sink and some are so obscure it's self-evident the author of certain job descriptions were living in the future, for example; seeking a technology professional with 10 years of Windows 2019 server when the product has not existed that long.
It is my love for my brother and professional colleague which compels me to write this blog in hopes it can raise the level of needed consciousness in today's CEOs to the degree their awareness is grounded to the reality this article will prove is caused by them.
This practice the CEOs authorize and commit corporate resources is not only going to bring about the decimation of the organizations they do this in but in time the whole of America.
The solution is simple but it will be ignored as being radical and simply out of touch when the need for CEOs to defend themselves and their actions are sought, yet those reactions won't make the topic less true because the proof exposed herein will be self-evident to any reader who wants to know why America is crumbling to its knees and the Age of this Empire is quickly coming to an end.
It does not have to be so, if only the CEO gains awareness to the degree he decides to be part of the success and solution instead of the cause of the problem. One thing all of them must comprehend is that the performance of the stock market is not in any way a good indicator of the economy at large.
History Regarding The Root of the Problem
When the concept of a national government was first proposed to the sovereign territories and it's people the salesmen of the proposal (corporate lobbyists appointed by CEO's in America) made a pledge to the American people that having a national government would provide additional benefits a local government could not deliver.
It does not sound like a CEO issue at this point in the blog post but the history behind why CEOs do the most destructive thing is founded on the root of this very important past.
The promise made was that American's would be assured certain security and protections not previously possible at the local level due to lack of money each territory had. The national government would be funded by international bankers who would finance any need required to bring about a master corporation upon which all corporations would in-corporate many know today as the United States Corporation Company.
To help the reader fully benefit from the profit in this history its helpful for all to know the United States has never been a country and has also never been a government. It's the capital of the District of Columbia and nothing more but there is another United States which operates commercially known as United States Corporation Company. In truth, America has never had a real government of by and for the people. Instead, America has been governed by a central bank.
It has been said many times before there is nothing Federal about the Federal Reserve but the full truth is there is nothing federal about the federal government for it is and always has been a bank known as the Federal Reserve whose constitution has been nothing more than a corporate charter that bestows rights only onto those who are agents of it.
The federal reserve is ordered by Congress a body (board) within the United States Corporation to print money, issue private ledger credit to the stock market, and member corporations are known as publically traded companies.
The IPO process is one where the United States Corporation a bank ingests the former private corporation aka assimilates into the public interest of the United States Corporation making it the new illogical owner in an obscure sense.
The Federal Reserve is found on the internet with a .gov suffix proving this simple fact. It is not using a .com and the word Federal is used to convey its authority in the corporate name as the sole owner of the real-life game of monopoly all are but forced to play if they want to live as many would say a civilized manner.
The pledge this national government proposed would provide protection for the American's financial interests by protecting the borders from enemies foreign and domestic who might come in and steal land, property, and the wealth of the people. The only interests to protect are financial in nature else none would have elected to join the Union in the first place since states were capable of aiding its citizens from harm by the bank funded local law enforcement agencies.
Banks at one time competed with one another in each and every territory until 1933 when the national government offered all of them a New Deal. They needed to join this union or else they would be forever at odds with their competition but in order to make the most of it for all members, the American people needed to be factored into the scheme such they could create by signature the money which would enrich the stakeholders of all banking families.
They deal was pitched by their best salesmen, who would later become President of the United States. They were given a script by banking advisors to pitch to the people and would be rewarded for the number of American's that could induce into the New Deal. At some level, all of this was occurring before on smaller scales but the general processes have stood the test of time.
Many would say the Presidential Candidates lied to get votes and recruit more Americans into the game of monopoly but they were hired by the banks which employed them to act out a certain script not lies just an actor playing a script. All Presidents deny they have ever lied for this reason and they were telling the truth.
The most important part of making this New World Order work for them was getting the signatures which would go on to create massive amounts of money on NOTES they would convert into private ledger credit in their days they were called the money changers because they changed the money species in order to expand it to endless degrees for their own exclusive interests.
The goal of course was to gain control over every piece of land and every structure, and every man's wealth. They succeeded in this as is most self-evident today Congress can order the issue of this private ledger credit for war and none of it shows up on the national debt clock while telling the public their tax dollars are paying this debt off and grandchildren will be forced to reconcile it in the future.
Nothing could be further from the truth when President Regan was put into office many American's asked him by petition to look into the matter of income tax; they wanted to know where their tax dollars were being spent. He created a team that was known as the Grace Commission, they did as the people demanded and he announced the findings to the American people on a national press brief. He stated not a nickel of any tax collected paid for anything in Federal Government. There was much more there but the jist as it relates to CEOs in corporate America is made for the intents and purposes of this blog article.
Just like labor Unions whose offer of a contract to workers were to protect jobs from being replaced by illegal immigrants and wages against inflation and many CEOs of American corporations would do anything to avoid working with labor Unions for reasons that confound the intelligence many assume they must possess to be elected to run said corporations. Yet the reasons many of them create the most destructive force unknowingly is because of their thinking as it relates to doing the right thing for the company. A CEO is hired to do certain and specific things to increase profit or in non-profit sustain financial solvency.
Many CEOs possess no genuine leadership qualities as it relates to employees for being a real leader means serving those they lead and many of the nations highest-earning CEOs are serving the interests of the board (those they really lead) to protect their own personal interests they know as job security and stock performance but in doing this are also unwinding their own futures blindly because they fail to comprehend the most primitive economic laws governing the world outside the construct of their ideals and corporate policies.
This will be proven shortly below its not speculation or opinion its truth we have all witnessed first hand and can recollect upon being made more aware of why we see loss.
However, once you learn what this is they do, you and they will understand why this dangerous act is the very thing bringing about the destruction of legacy companies and the stakeholders, shareholders, and employees within are forced onto the ride downward.
All players are none the wiser and will face massive loss as a result of their poor choice in synthetic thinkers or those who follow the herd and lack organic thinking skills or the ability to see beyond the facade and illusion before them.
Many CEOs are shooting their own feet off at the same time as destroying the corporations they were hired to protect the interests of and worse many other CEOs are reading testimonies of fellow CEOs and the following their suit because they lack the genuine knowledge regarding the law of economics so many fail to seek out much less obey if they do for their own good and the greater good of all including the customer whom many companies claim is the real boss yet in practice is not evidenced by many given actions are speaking louder than words.
These sorts of CEOs won't listen to anyone because the money, power, and authority have corrupted their ability to think clearly regarding how to manage interests and balance benefits of all parties by taking the appearing hard road less traveled. Truth is the road less traveled only appears hard but in fact, is the easiest most elementary path possible and one which causes endless profits for all engaged in that sort of corporation. Any employee has entered into a marriage contract unaware when they onboard as a direct-hire W2 worker.
Deciding to travel that path requires a CEO who can endure skeptics in the status quo who were taught or perhaps indoctrinated into believing it's just business nothing personal and it is what it is that bottom-line mentality and that is the biggest deception ever spoken and is what leads to the great mistake.
This national corporation back in the day promoted after corporations took over plantations was funded by international banks via fiat currency an invention of theirs that would make it possible to create money on demand by using signatures of executive officers and accepting the certificates, notes, stocks, and bonds as cash upon which the private member banks at the national level would deposit and convert financial documents into private ledger credit corporations could spend as long as they pledged their interests as collateral to the private banks that funded their payroll.
The CEOs agree before any IPO to this and all of the things which made the private corporation great prior to the IPO start eroding and the employees are the most injured by this move and next the customer who often removes their loyalty afterward and finds other companies who listen to the customer.
This private ledger credit would be a patented and a copyrighted work the central banks and some private member banks would own to prevent free-market competition and interference in their plan to control the issue and circulation of a substance we all know as money today.
The national government was actually a central bank but would hold itself up by appearances only as a federal government. They would require the sovereign territories to incorporate in statehood and in the United States Corporation Company.
By the states doing this, they surrendered the control over much of the financial matters of their operations to the master corporation. The states were nothing but corporations that CEOs many know as governors set up to mirror the master corporation they pledged allegiance to.
All states then made laws that required any small, medium or large business in the territorial boundaries to incorporate into the United States or the State which would cause those corporations to become bound by both state and federal laws and could operate privately unless they became too big and successful and IPO was needed to take over their companies.
Each corporation was mandated to have a CEO, President, Vice President, and Chairman with a board of directors and shareholders whether or not they existed as a private or publically traded company. All of them are told what to do and how to vote on issues by some hidden influencers behind the scenes but the CEO is the one who wields the most power and casts the most destruction to America as a country.
Each CEO would order it's members to establish corporate policy and a corporate charter upon which would govern the private aspects of rules within its organization and write those policies to be in harmony with the state and federal policies many know today as Public Policy corporate rules not laws from legislative statutes.
Because each town, city, county, and state were all required to incorporate into the state and the United States Corporation Company their policies would require enforcement in the specific locality many know today as jurisdiction.
When a company started to change the thing which brought its massive success the customer would notice first and many would flee as loyalists or brand religious followers, this in turn caused a chain reaction which leads many of CEO to make the call to cut jobs in order to save profits.
The CEO didn't realize that in his initial efforts to increase profits he took the low hanging fruit approach to change the recipe of the product or service in efforts to lower costs of goods so higher profits might result yet in doing this caused the brand religious customers to bail. Many CEO feel that is an acceptable sacrifice because the company can still sell to a much broader market of customers who desire to spend less and by lowering the quality feel more goods will be sold and or procured if the business is delivering service verse products.
Apple has proven you can raise the price on a product and still expand your customer base by never changing the recipe which developed the fan base. Yet still many of the CEOs take the road most traveled for short term gains live today and die tomorrow only they flee to another company they can start working to tank and do this unknowing believe it or not it's true.
The act which many CEO are committing which is the most destructive thing for America is the outsourcing of jobs overseas. When a company faces financial stress it's quick and easy to pursue pruning the labor pool and many can't ignore the massive savings realized by outsourcing. It's called the corporate crack, they can't resist the temptation to add that achievement to their resume via ** Saved XYZ corporation 140 million annually.
The problem is when the money his corporation spends goes to overseas workers; those workers spend that money in their local economy, not the economy in which his company he controls and governs exists. This works slowly at reducing the circulation of currency in the locality his company exists in which eventually injures the very company that needed that to improve its bottom line. Instead, his actions cause the law of compensation to start working against his action and results in loss of income. Many CEOs are taking what they think is best for them and their resume or work history but the opposite is true unless he can show on his resume where he improved the bottom line without shedding employees.
The modern CEO fails to see the nature of law and the law of economics can not be avoided it will cause all CEOs to lose all they sought to gain over time and make them look very bad and not intelligent at all. The issue of National Security is one where all of America's money is sent overseas and the acts which cause jobs to be outsourced will come back to bite with a vengeance. The best way to increase profits and preserve sustainable growth is to promote higher pay so it can recirculate back into the company. Problem is too many CEOs are not looking at wasteful spending and doing the hard work and it's destroying America as we know it.
If CEO sent a lobbyist to Washington for anything it ought to be wage subsidies since the international bankers game of monopoly is the root cause of economic scarcity due to the inflationary side effects of creating money by signature and using the fractional reserve system to expand it then it should never be an afterthought the ones who control the game of money changing need to be the ones who subsidize it for the benefit of sustainable economic growth not just on the stock market but in the mainstream market. America will be decimated when they can't afford to pay for housing, food and energy and when America's customers by the majority are broke what CEO can solve that problem? None.
CEOs can stop taking the perceivable easy route of outsourcing jobs or the so-called government can keep its promise they pledged long ago to create laws the prevent any American company public or private from outsourcing a single job that does not spend back into its local economy for such should be a criminal act no less destructive and threatening than a terrorist seeking to destroy America from within because in large numbers the more CEOs who do this are awaiting their own demise as their acts collectively debase the value of the US Dollar the world currency.
The simple elementary lesson learned here is that all people need to have a certain kind of money known as disposable income that is the money left to spend on goods and services which fall outside housing costs, food costs, and utility costs.
When the so-called government stopped subsidizing the utility and energy prices and stopped regulating the housing market taxation is when the trouble started to destroy America from within.
If the President of the United States can not see the pledge to Americans has been broken he needs to fire himself and all of Congress and Americans need to abolish federal government to give the power to the states to create private ledger credit or else if none can overcome the temptation abolish all government as it does not serve the people it stands for.
What happens to the rich 1% when the 99% have no money to spend?
We are very close to this reality, and too many CEOs are not doing the hard work they earn so much money for but instead can't see their actions and decisions are destroying themselves with the rest of the country. It must stop or we are all doomed to a certain fate none will be able to endure.
The Federal Government has breached its duty to protect the financial interests of America from enemies foreign and domestic and that was their core purpose for existence. If they can't assure each and every American a wage one can not only live on but one they can spend back into the rich man's world of commerce what is the point of a money system regardless of if its foundation is built on communism, socialism or capitalism. All due to the nature of the mechanics which make a fiat money system work are destined to cause epic levels of destruction.
Too many people are sleeping at the wheel and could be waking up to smell the coffee.
How sad not many will have the courage to speak up as I've have just done, we need more people taking their voice to action. And doing the right things to make the world a better place than we have found it.