"The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud." - Coco Chanel
EP Business in Hospitality
Leading communicator in #Hospitality Industry. Runs numerous events, campaigns and consultancy & publishing.
The importance of the individual
We tend to teach our children that it is important to be true to oneself, to be an individual and to stand up for what one believes. At the same time, many corporates ask why more employees are not risk takers, why so many follow the corporate line and just follow rather than do. To make the picture more complicated, research shows that the engagement of emerging talent has never been lower.
Maybe business has created its own contradictions and one of the real changed that needs to take place is to create new frameworks which allow individuals to be themselves; that stronger cultures will emerge as talent feel more comfortable and at ease to be themselves.
The last fifteen years has been an uneasy time. Many talk of empowerment but very few business do truly empower employees and yet it is what is desired.?
The emerging generations are some of the brightest ever to enter the workplace, but leaders do need to adapt to think differently as to how best to engage, develop and ensure that the best of this talent delivers to their potential.
This is an age which is about the individual. The narrative needs to change. Many approaches need to evolve, and leaders need to recognise individuals.
What makes emerging talent so exciting is that:
·??????? It is less that they want work/life balance, but they want to live lives that matter and where they can make their mark
·??????? They believe in higher values – in the environment, in diversity and inclusion, in communities, society and in freedom to an individual.
They will be loyal and true to those who also show belief in them. There lies the challenge.
Our question is can we bring the best disciplines into the workplace to create new approaches, new solutions which serve the business and its people far better?
Over the years, EP has been on a journey, learning from the worlds of hospitality, sport, the arts, from leaders and from emerging talent to be able to deliver new solutions which do matter.
Our belief is that the spirit of hospitality can play a central role in business; to a far higher level than has even yet been envisaged.
Written by Chris Sheppardson, EP Business in Hospitality