Most Consequential Events in Nigeria's History (1970-1975)
Biafra surrender document leading to the end of the Nigeria Civil War. Photo: CICR

Most Consequential Events in Nigeria's History (1970-1975)

Who can tell which of today's events will prove most consequential in the future? Here listed are events which proves to be one. This list covers the periods 1970 to 1975. Many things happen every single day. Only the future can tell what would emerge the most consequential


  • Ojukwu goes on exile in Ivory Coast
  • Col. Obasanjo receives the article of civil war surrender on January 13, marking the end of the Civil War
  • Nike Davies makes first art exhibition abroad
  • Fela declares his Kalakuta republic independent from the Nigerian government. Kalakuta is the name he gives to the communal compound that houses his family, band members, and recording studio located at 14, Agege Motor Road, idi-Oro, Lagos.


  • Police kills unarmed student protester, KunleAdepeju at the University of Ibadan
  • Nigeria joins the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) as its 10th and last member
  • Nigerian National Oil Corporation (NNOC) established to exercise control over oil industry which is dominated by multinationals.


  • OyebadeLipede becomes ninth Alake of Egbaland.
  • Chinua Achebe wins the Commonwealth Poetry Prize.


  • A Boeing 707 plane crashes in Kano killing 171 Nigerian Muslims returning from Mecca and 5 crewmen died
  • Severe draught occurs in North-Eastern State, in which most of Nigeria’s cattle live causing Fulani nomads to suffer harsh ordeal .
  • Four northern states out of six declared disaster areas as farmers desert their lands because they could not obtain water for irrigation or afford the fast-rising cost of animal feed.
  • Nigerian leader, General Yakubu Gowon finally agrees on a state visit to Britain after declining invitations from Mr. Wilson's Labour government for its policy in South Africa and Rhodesia .
  • National Youth Service Corps, NYSC, scheme is set up by decree 24 of 22nd May to enhance national integration.
  • Census holds. Gown fails to release population figures touted to be the most alarming in the nation's history
  • Nigerian Institute of Journalism, NIJ formed with the help of Lateef Jakande, president of International Press Institute
  • WasiuAyinde Barrister, Kwam 1 drops out of secondary school to face professional music.
  • AnthtonyOlubunmiOkogie becomes Catholic Archbishop of Lagos Diocese a day after his 37th birthday
  • The first production sharing contract in Nigeria was signed between NNPC and Ashland
  • Enoch Adeboye, lecturer at University of Ilorin meets founder of Redeemed Christian Church of God, RCCG
  • Nigeria hosts 30 countries and stages 12 sports in the All Africa Games
  • Sunny Okosun starts the Ozzidi Band after admonishment by Fela never to drop his kind of music for foreign tune
  • Petroleum Trust Development Fund, PTDF is established by decree
  • The first National Sports Festival holds in Lagos


  • Nigeria’s foreign exchange ceases to be dependent on agricultural products
  • Benjamin Adekunle, Scorpion, Civil War hero prematurely retired from the Nigerian Army
  • OlusolaSaraki, former Senate leader and PDF stalwart is turbaned as Turaki of llorin at 41
  • Gowon reneges on promise to hand over power to civilians.


  • Gowon agrees to hand over Bakassi peninsula to Cameroun, following a request from his host in Yaounde
  • Joseph NamvenGarba announces on 29th July, a coup of seven colonels on national radio, stating the overthrow of the nine-year military regime headed by General Yakubu Gowon.
  • Ndayako Umar Sanda becomes the 12th EtsuNupe
  • Muhammed deepens his non- aligned policy (in the globalized Cold War) with the receipt in October 1975 by the Nigerian Air Force of Soviet-built aircraft that had been ordered under Gowon.
  • Justice Aguda panel recommends in December, the relocation of the nation's capital to a vast expanse of virgin territory in the heartland of the country.
  • Nigeria instrumental in formation on 28 May of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)?



