Most Consequential Events in Nigeria's History (1960-1964)
First Commercial Bus, Lagos 1950's. Photo: National Archives, U.I. / LITCAF

Most Consequential Events in Nigeria's History (1960-1964)

Who can tell which of today's events will prove most consequential in the future? Here presented is our list of events which proves to be worthy. This list covers the periods 1960 to 1964. Many things happen every single day. Only the future can tell what would emerge the most consequential


  • Nigeria gains independence on October 1 as Union Jack Flag is lowered to fly the green-white-green to proclaim Nigeria's sovereignty.
  • Association of Accountants of Nigeria, AAN, the forerunner of ICAN is incorporated
  • Cyprian Ekwensi publishes The Drummer Boy
  • Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) is established
  • Victor Uwaifo releases first album, Akugbe/Okhorhornu mu me
  • Comedian, Moses OlaiyaBaba Sala starts career as highlife musician
  • Azikiwe becomes Governor-General, Tafa Balewa, Prime Minister with actual power, and Awolowo opts for leadership of the opposition in federal parliament.


  • Margaret Ekpo becomes the first Nigerian woman to be elected a Member of Parliament as she wins a seat to the Eastern House of Assembly on the platform of the NCNC.
  • Cyprian Ekwensi’s novel Jagua Nana makes so much impact that it is debated in the floor of the parliament
  • Gulf Oil (now named Chevron) granted prospecting license in Nigeria
  • Nigerian Institute of International Affairs (NIIA) is established as a foreign policy think-tank of the Federal Government
  • Roy Chicago moves to change the face of highlife with the introduction of the talking drums into the music


  • Dissidents from Action Group party forms United People Party, UPP led by new Premier of Western region, LadokeAkintola
  • Awolowo goes to jail on charges of treasonable felony
  • Nigeria begins active support of South Africa’s anti-apartheid ANC
  • University of Northern Nigeria (Now ABU) founded in Zairia, surpassed in size only by the University of Cairo.
  • Agip Oil granted prospecting license in Nigeria
  • Sani Abacha enlists in Nigerian army four days after his school certificate examination
  • University of Lagos established


  • Nigeria becomes a republic as Zik becomes first President
  • Census holds. Nigeria’s population is 55.6 million
  • Midwest becomes fourth region of Nigeria; created by constitutional amendment
  • Anthony Enahoro, Awolowo affiliate goes to jail, escapes to the UK, repatriated and re-imprisoned
  • Sunny Ade joins Baba Sala as a band boy
  • Ebenezer Obey makes his first big hit, Olomigbotemi
  • SegunAwolowo dies in a motor accident, July 10, at the age of 24
  • Muhammadu Buhari commissioned second lieutenant in Nigerian military
  • FelaKuti moves back to Nigeria to join federal radio service


  • Sunny Ade switches from playing the dominant highlife toJuju, an intoxicating guitar-based musical style
  • NojimMaiyegun wins Nigeria's first ever Olympic Games medal, a bronze medal in boxing in Tokyo, Japan.
  • Rex Jim Lawson moves to Lagos as the resident band at Central Hotel Yaba, immediately changing the Lagos highlife scene
  • SegunOsoba starts his journalism career with the Daily Times
  • Louis OkonEdet appointed Nigeria's first indigenous Inspector-General of Police.
  • Nigerian Stock Exchange instituted



