The Most Common Unrealistic Expectation With Marketing
There are many unrealistic expectations business owners have when it comes to marketing. You know what the most common one is? That is what I'm going to dig into in today's episode. You don't want to miss this. It's going to be a short, actionable episode, so stay tuned.
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The Most Common Unrealistic Expectation With Marketing
There are many unrealistic expectations business owners have when it comes to marketing. You know what the most common one is? That is what I'm going to dig into in today's episode. You don't want to miss this. It's going to be a short, actionable episode, so stay tuned.
Hi, I am Tim Fitzpatrick with Rialto Marketing, where we believe marketing shouldn't be difficult. Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in.
The whole premise and thought behind this episode came because a couple of weeks ago, I had a conversation with a potential client. This conversation, it's nothing new, but it just reminded me that this is a really important thing to talk about because he had this unrealistic expectation, but he's not the first. So many have this.
The Most Unrealistic Expectation with Marketing
So what is the most unrealistic expectation that I see with marketing. We have unrealistic expectations about how quickly we're going to see results. People think that they are going to get results too quickly most of the time. And guess what? It's not your fault. There are so many marketers that set people up with unrealistic expectations, and then they're not happy. Hey, work with us and you're going to be at the top of Google in 30 days, or work with us. And within the first 14 days, we're going to generate all these flood of leads for your business. A lot of marketers are setting you up with this expectation. But it is an unrealistic one. I do not want you to fall into this trap, and I don't want you to hear people say it and go, Oh, my gosh, this is amazing. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true. So there is no marketing easy button. Don't think that somebody is just going to miraculously get you fast results when other people haven't. There's a lot of over-promising and under-delivering when it comes to marketing. That is the most common unrealistic expectation expectation is that I'm going to see results much quicker than I should actually expect. Now, there's a negative impact to having this expectation.
What Happens When You Have Unrealistic Expectation with Marketing
What happens when you have this expectation of, I'm going to get quick results? One, you waste resources on a lot of short term tactics because you view those short term tactics as the one thing that's going to get you those results. So you waste time and you waste money on short term tactics. And there's nothing wrong with short term tactics, but short term tactics without a long term strategy behind it are never going to work long term. It's like a bandaid solution. And a lot of times they just don't work, period. Sometimes they'll work, but they don't work for an extended period of time, which frankly is not doing you any good. We need repeatable long term solutions when it comes to our marketing. So when we have this unrealistic expectation of how quickly I'm going to see results, we waste time and money on short term tactics. Oftentimes we give up too early because we're like, this should work in 30 days or 45 days or 15 days. And when you reach that point, you're like, this isn't working. I'm moving on to something else. So you move on to the next short term tactic. And the next negative impact is you get to this place where you start thinking that marketing doesn't work. I can't tell you how many people I've talked to who are like, I did marketing. It doesn't work. Now, it's just something was out of alignment because there's plenty of people that do marketing, and it works very, very effectively. So these negative impacts are such... We got to get out of this unrealistic expectation.
How to Get Out of Unrealistic Expectation with Marketing
How do we do that? What's the necessary shift and perspective that we need to have to just put this expectation behind us. One is we need to get out of short term versus long term thinking. Marketing is not a short term activity. It is a long term activity that we do over and over and over and over again. It's not a switch we can turn on and off. We've got to shift to thinking long term with marketing and not short term. When we think short term, we make a lot of bad decisions. So really important, we must think long term. Marketing is an investment. It is a lot of work, and it takes time. And you need to give it the time it needs to work and start gaining momentum. Once you reach that point of momentum, it will start giving back and it will continue to give back as long as you continue to do it and stay on top of it. So what we really need to shift to is focusing on building an engine. Focus on building a marketing engine that is designed for repeatable long term growth.
And there are three parts to a marketing engine. One is strategy. Strategy is like your fuel for the engine. Planning is where you pick the parts, which are the marketing tactics, the marketing channels that you're going to use, and you start assembling that engine. Once the engine is assembled and you've got your fuel, then you need to maintain it. If we don't maintain the engine, it's not going to continue to run smoothly. And that's where leadership comes into play. You have to have somebody leading and managing your marketing efforts to maintain that engine and keep it running at an optimal level. So instead of having unrealistic expectations about how quickly marketing is going to work, shift that perspective to long term and focus on building an engine designed for repeatable long term growth.
Hope you found this helpful. If you did, and you want to connect with us, you can do that at That's We can help you build that engine. If you want to know which of the nine components of the engine you're missing or out of alignment, you can do that over at Takes less than five minutes. Every one of those nine elements is a roadblock. We need to remove those roadblocks. So if you want to know which ones are slowing down your growth, that's where you can do it. Go check it out. Thank you so much for taking the time to watch, listen. I appreciate you. And till next time. Take care.