The Most Common Reason for Unsuccessful Job Applications

The Most Common Reason for Unsuccessful Job Applications

If you understand and eliminate the fundamental problem I describe in this article, you will increase your chances of getting the job you want enormously.

Avoid the applicant's error no. 1

This error is inconspicuous but fundamental. It consists of the fact that many applicants portray their career and their motivation from their own point of view.

But the worm must be attractive to the fish, not to the fisherman. The interests of the other side, i.e. those of recruiting managers, are the relevant ones! Their concerns differ considerably from the applicants' motives and must be considered accordingly, in order to submit a convincing application. Unfortunately, this fact is often overlooked by many applicants and results in a large number of rejections.

The "secret" of a successful application process is quickly revealed. The job offer is made to the candidate who has given the most convincing impression that his or her future employment will be the most worthwhile for the hiring company. Makes sense, doesn't it?

However, you do NOT achieve this conviction as an applicant by simply mentioning the tasks, responsibilities and activities from your previous jobs!

Here is a negative example of it. The following way to present previous experience in a CV / résumé is common but hardly convincing:

? Provided prospects with quotes.

Much more convincing, in contrast, is this alternative:

? Compiled up to 68 customized quotes for prospects per week with 27% conversion on average.

Can you recognize the big fundamental difference between the two examples?


In fact, you can achieve this conviction only by explaining relevant ACHIEVEMENTS that resulted from your work. Before you can communicate those to the hiring managers in detail, you must first pique their curiosity.

Maybe the relevance of this summary makes sense to you immediately. From an advertising psychology point of view, this is commonplace anyway. But if you look at the actual approach of many applicants and their documents – and I do this all the time – the practical implementation does not seem to come as easy. And once you're making your way down the wrong path, everything else becomes torture of course. The anticipated success becomes unlikely or can only be achieved by extreme effort or luck. Read on to change that now.

Send your job search and applications on the road to success

Stay tuned for my further explanations and practical tips on the matter here every week.

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And if you can't wait to read on, visit my Toolbox for Job Seekers with Ambitious Goals right away and discover all the secrets still today.

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Michael Kaiser

I help executives get their dream job with a new employer abroad

1 年

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Bolaji Blessing Abonde ( MSCAITBM, FIMC, CMC, HSE, (CPM)(CHRP)

BUILD Vendor Manager LM Ericsson (Market Area Middle East and Africa)

1 年

Love this

Bolaji Blessing Abonde ( MSCAITBM, FIMC, CMC, HSE, (CPM)(CHRP)

BUILD Vendor Manager LM Ericsson (Market Area Middle East and Africa)

1 年

Thanks for sharing


