Most Beautiful Messages
Ernie Brooks
?????????? ???? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? ...Instructor of 'Positivity & Relaxation Training' at UMass Amherst
~Every once in a while, I write a message to share online that I read through and think 'Wow! That is one of the most beautiful things I have ever written'. Quite a many I have written and posted throughout the years, which may or may not be seen again. Here, I will collect any that I find, along with sharing new messages as I write them in days to come. Some of these are written intentionally through reflection on a message I want to share. Others just seem to come to me, such as when I am out walking in nature. If any of these inspire you, please feel free to share with others.~
Our world needs your love. ?? Sometimes I write little stories to share here, hoping to inspire people to share more love. But, tonight I want to say it directly…our world needs your love. ?? People need you to be authentically who you are. And you need that too. We need to be present in the moment for ourselves and for other people. We need to care for ourselves and for people, all life, and the whole Earth.
And this can look like so many different things. Sometimes all you need to do is look at someone so they know they are seen. But also, you might just be going about your day, doing what you do, and might help someone without even knowing it. Like when I was in a little store recently and the cashier was singing a beautiful song in a language I didn’t know, it brought peace to my experience there.
Be present, be who you are, and take care. ??
?? He turned to her and said, ‘when we go in, we are not just checking in for our stay; we’re also going to get a smile’.
And a few minutes later, as they were about to leave, she told the receptionist, ‘your eyes are so beautiful’. And, the receptionist smiled so brightly and thanked her. He was right; because of the kind words of his lover, they did get a smile that day from the receptionist.
Wrapped tightly around the receptionist was her guardian angel, which seemed to open up so beautifully and smiled itself as its light extended out in every direction. Her guardian angel had been doing everything it could to protect her from killing herself after the death of her husband, a man she loved and always will, who often said to her, ‘your eyes are so beautiful’.
And as the two lovers walked out of the room, having unknowingly participated in the light work of angels, the receptionist and her guardian angel knew she would be okay. ??
? If you get an idea to do something nice for someone, even if you don’t know them, consider doing it anyway.?That could be your guardian angel talking to you, so that you can help someone in need. Maybe, you are at a restaurant and you see someone and feel drawn to say to them, ‘have a wonderful day.’?You may hesitate to do that because, you don’t know them and they didn’t even notice you.?But, you never know if maybe they needed that simple thing you gave to them. Maybe you were being nudged to help someone who was feeling hopeless.?
So, remember that next time you get an idea, a suggestion in your mind to do something for someone, even if you don’t know them. ??
??You may have no idea whose life you make brighter. ?? Whether it is your home, or where you work, or anywhere else you go, there may be someone who, when they hear your voice or see you coming through the door, they know they are going to be okay.
And maybe it is simply because of who you are. Maybe you don’t need to do anything special. Maybe just being around you helps someone have peace and be happy. Your energy could be very healing for someone.
So please, be authentically who you are. You know you need that too, for yourself, to be your genuine self.??
??When we ask someone ‘how are you?’ and they say ‘I’m good’, sometimes we should ask them again, ‘how are you really doing today?’
You might be surprised by what they share. But, even if they don’t share much, you just might help to lift so much weight off of their heart through them knowing that someone cared enough to ask how they are really doing.
Some of the most kindest and genuine people who would never lie to you might lie all the time by saying they are ‘okay’ when they are really not. They mean well, but in this world that is often fast-paced and sometimes not authentic, they just might not open for many people. Sometimes all they need is for someone to take the time and care enough to ask, ‘how are you really?’
You might not ask this for everyone you come across. But, for the people you really care about, you just might want to. ??
??One time, I was walking with someone and I asked an angel to be with them and to help them to know they are loved. For anyone, you can ask an angel to be with them and to brighten their day. What a beautiful gift.??
??He heard voices, indicating that there were people up there. As he climbed the stairs, he understood generally who they must be. Reaching the top, ready to greet the group of friends….
….Instantly, like a flash of lightning, he locked eyes with the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. The most powerful love rose from within and between the two souls. For a few moments, he saw not a person, but only those eyes….
….An orchestrated encounter of two souls, simply to infuse love into the world. Everywhere, there were angels, hundreds of them. And they all seemed to say in unison, ‘you are meant to feel this love, so that you may share love everywhere in this world through your every action’….
….And as the Earth continues turning, that love is constantly flowing between all of us. Oftentimes subtle, sometimes magical, all to remind each of us that we are loved.??
??She was crying, over there in the corner of the room by herself. A few moments had passed and someone walked by and stopped in front of her. He said, “I’m here with you. Would you like me to stay here with you or would you like to be alone?”
We don’t know her answer that day. But later he said, “if you ever would like me to be with you, call me and I will come. I love you!”
And, as I write this story that has come to me, I think of how this could have been a friend or this could have been an angel. Either way, the angels can bring love into this world through us and through our relationships with each other.??
?? You walk down the street and smile at someone standing on the sidewalk. That person goes home and hugs his daughter. His daughter goes to school and tells her teacher that she is the best teacher ever. The teacher goes out to the store and tells the cashier how beautiful her eyes are. The cashier later sees a person who seems to be sad and gives them a hug. The person who just got the hug is someone you very truly love....
I truly believe that when we love anyone in this world, we send along our love and kindness for others, wanting to create a more loving world, knowing that what we send out could circulate through communities and find its way back to ourselves and the people we love. ??
??There was a little turtle????And he had a turtle friend who he loved and cared about very much. He walked around the trees for days wondering what he could do to show he cared. ?
??One day, he came across a farm with beautiful flowers and other animals. While walking around there, he noticed some hay on the ground and thought it would be a perfect gift. ?
??He rushed over to his friend and gave her the hay, explaining how he wanted to show her he cared about her and knew she could use the hay for one of her beautiful projects. She was so happy and already had an idea for what to use it for that she shared with him. ?
And then she said, ‘you don’t have to wait for a special occasion or have a gift to tell someone you care about them. You can just say so. And, you never know how much that might mean to them’.?
??Later that day, he and his friend went to hear the elder turtle tell all the turtles a story. And when this little turtle got older, he had remembered what his friend told him all that time as the best lesson he ever learned, and he shared this story with all the younger turtles.?
As he walked by, he spoke to her soul through his heart and mind, saying 'I love you'.?And he knew that her soul heard his.
An angel of love appeared and filled the entire room with the light of love that reached everyone present.?For each time we learn how to share love with each other, love extends to light the way for all of us.
??He sat on the bench, looking out at the water, looking around at the people walking by, peacefully present.
A young girl walked by and smiled at him so brightly. It made him feel so happy. ‘Children always know how to brighten our day’, he thought.
Beside him appeared an angel, looking out at the water just like he was. ‘You helped brighten that young girl’s day’ the angel said to him. He wondered how, but before he could ask, the angel continued. ‘She used to sit on a bench by the water every weekend with her grandfather. When she saw you today, she also saw the soul of her grandfather sitting next to you’.
‘That’s so beautiful’ he said to the angel. ‘But why did she smile at me instead of her grandfather?’ The angel didn’t speak. But, after thinking for a few moments, he understood. ‘She thinks I am her grandfather’s friend, doesn’t she?’
‘Yes, she does’ the angel said. ‘Even more-she believes you brought him here to enjoy the water again, just like he used to do when he was alive. It’s only because you listened to your guardian angel and sat here today, that she was able to see her grandfather’s soul. You really did bring his soul here today.’
The angel disappeared without saying anything more. From that moment, he knew he would come back to this bench as often as he could, now realizing that all he needs to do to brighten someone else’s life is to just be present. ??
??She was out in the woods, alone, so she thought. Trees all around and many other plants too. She breathed in the air around her, noticing the scent of the trees, feeling so connected with the Earth.
In the distance, a towering being was coming towards her. Wearing what appeared to be robes that flowed gracefully with the wind, she later would realize it was an angel of Mother Earth.
He said to her, ‘look over there towards the water’. As she did, she saw colors so beautiful, deep, and vibrant, different than anything she had ever seen before. ‘It’s beautiful’ she said; ‘Is this Earth before humans?’ she asked.
‘It’s Earth now’ said the angel; ‘it’s Earth as anyone can see any time they wish should they seek to protect her’. She looked again at the beautiful colors, hoping to see them again and again.
When she looked back, the angel was gone, but she heard it say ‘Mother Earth loves you always’.??
??Imagine two people who love each other, or maybe one loves the other…maybe they are lovers, or family, or friends…if only we could see the angel of love with them, with beautiful wings wrapped around them both, protecting them with love. And even when apart, an angel is with each, protecting with the most powerful love. How much more alive and inspired we might live if we knew we were protected by love in each moment.
??Love, true unconditional love, makes us stronger and vulnerable. Love takes care of us and guides us through every moment. Love listens and it shares. Love is free and freeing. Love is kind and it is playful. Love brings out the best in us. Love shows us what we may not have otherwise seen in ourselves and it helps us love ourselves. Love encourages and love will follow. Love is patient and gentle and grateful. Love sees through everything and it knows who we truly are. Love cherishes and it respects. Love challenges us to grow and to be our best. Love knows our souls. Love is inquisitive and curious. Love gives space and it protects. Love seeks and values authenticity. Love is love even without words. Love teaches us and it smiles for us. Love brings us together. Love is always and will always be here.??
?? ‘But, how could he love everyone?’ she asked her guardian angel. The angel smiled at her and said, ‘it is because he loves someone.’?She was unsure what that meant and looked inquisitively to the sky.?
Her angel shared more. ‘He loves a few someones very powerfully.?But all it took was loving one person years ago for him to want to create a more loving world for that person. That is why he shares love with everyone.’
She thought for a moment, looking at her guardian angel. ‘I guess that really is loving someone,’ she finally said. Her angel smiled and said ‘And, he loves you too.’ ??
‘Ladder 4 on scene. Single car MVA with one patient entrapment.’
He got out of the truck and gathered some further information from police on scene. As he walked over to the vehicle, he saw a man dressed in blue overalls kneeling down holding the patient’s hand. ‘His femur is broken and he is bleeding immensely’ the man said to him. From this, he knew time was critical in extricating the patient.?
As he and his crew began assessing the patient and planning a strategy for extrication, the man remained by the patient’s side with his head bowed, saying not a word.
A few minutes later, he started motioning for the man in blue overalls to clear out of the way as they began to cut the car’s frame. However, the man was gone. Asking his crew where the man was, everyone agreed ‘there was no else here’.
Extrication continued and they got the patient out within minutes.?They got him on a stretcher and into the quietness of the ambulance. Their patient was very weak, but still answering their questions. ‘That angel saved me,’ he said slowly.?‘The angel…it showed up when I crashed and prayed for me.?You saw it too,’ he said, pointing to the lieutenant.?
-An angel may show up in our times of greatest need. It may appear in any form, including appearing as a fellow human. An angel may pray for a person to stay alive. But when a person passes, an angel will take their soul to heaven. Whether we see them or not, angels help in all of our emergency situations. Angels are on every emergency scene, in every hospital room, and more, helping guide emergency responders, nurses, doctors, and others, and praying for people involved. ??
??’Wait here’ her guardian angel told her. ‘Look around at the flowers for a few minutes’.?
As she wandered through the rows of beautiful flowers, someone walked by and smiled at her. She too smiled at him and wished him a happy day.?
‘He is very lonely’ her guardian angel told her. ‘But, you helped him to feel connected with someone today.’
‘Is that why you asked me to wait here?’ she asked. ‘Yes,’ her guardian angel replied. ‘We knew you would be just what he needed today.’??
??“Look over there; it’s someone you haven’t met before,” the angel said to her.?“Go introduce yourself.”
As she did, the angel also said, “this person will be a great friend; you’ll really care about them.”?
And, though she didn’t hear the angel say that, she found out as time went on that was very much true. ??
Our angels and guides lead us to the people and places we are meant for.?That light, that suggestion, that knowing, that intuition is constantly flowing through us. Follow…
??Sexual experiences and the angels…
She opened herself to her lover, letting all guard done, feeling safe and loved.
He let her guide him in what she desired, passionately wanting most to give the deepest pleasure to his lover.
It was like a dance in which each gave the other a turn to lead. Together they shared an energy that came down from Heaven and sparked between their souls.
Beside the bed, an angel touched the browning leaf of a plant, offering it healing. On the other side of the room, another angel lacing a thread of light around the lovers. Other angels too infusing the energy the lovers shared all around them.
Yes, oh yes, the angels are present in this intimate moment. If only we could see all the beautiful things they help create with that love.
Soul Keys ????
'You have a key to my soul' the note read.
‘A key to your soul….that’s beautiful.?What does that mean, though?’ the reader asked.
‘I didn’t know what it meant until I met you’ said the writer.?‘And there aren’t many keys out there.?But, you surely have one’.
??Love is like water in a river…it must flow
From where it begins, one person loving another, love flows and reaches all kinds of people and places along its way ??
?? ‘But why?’ she asked.
Their eyes so lovingly met.
‘Because I love you,’ he replied. ??
~A simple love story…let your imagination fill in the rest.
We should let the thunderstorms ? of our lives pass through. We may be able to feel them rolling in sometimes. If possible, we can stop what we are doing, what we may be distracting ourselves with, to let the storm pass through.?
Being present with ourself, we can lovingly experience the release of emotions that may be weighing on our heart ?? just as the clouds release the water ?? they gather and hold as they move through the atmosphere.
The heart ?? beating faster is like thunder and the breathing is like the wind ?? picking up. And then the rain ?? comes. Sometimes it’s torrential rain.?But eventually it passes. And though drops ?? may remain, maybe we can see a rainbow ??
???She was walking down the city street, a busy place on a gloomy day. All around her, people were rushing around between the little shops and cafes. Most were with friends and family, joyful and light. But, she noticed one young girl sitting alone at a table outside one of the cafes, looking down.?
Below the young girl’s face was a little ball of light, a beautiful glowing orb, carefully floating over the hands of an angel. It was magnificent, but the girl didn’t seem to be able to see it. She looked so sad and alone.?
‘Go tell her that you are happy to see her’ she heard. It was her own guardian angel speaking to her. “This young girl is very depressed. See what her guardian angel is doing. It has been holding that light of hope before her every moment, hoping that she might see it.”?
As she walked closer to the lovely young girl, she noticed what looked like a metal chain over the shoulders of the girl’s guardian angel, weighing it down. She knew this must be a sign of the heavy emotions this young girl was carrying with her.?
“Hi,” she said to the young girl. “It’s really nice to see you,” she softly said after a few moments. The girl looked up with tears in her eyes. “Can I give you a hug?” she asked the girl. The girl nodded ‘yes’. As she did, the chain fell from the shoulders of the girl’s guardian angel. It disappeared on the ground. And the light the angel held gleamed brighter. ?
They hugged, as the girl cried in her arms.??? ?
-I have been wanting to write this one for a while. It is, in part, inspired by a story I once read. It is a message of hope so that you might see that light of hope. And, it is a message of connection. We have no idea how our simple words, such as ‘it’s nice to see you’ can set someone free of the weight they carry, how a moment of presence and offering can help someone release the pain they hold. I wish you love.????
???“Show me how to love you” he softly said to her as he brushed her hair while she lay in bed smiling at him.?
He had whispered that to her soul for over sixty years now. She knew all along that he loved her so. And at some age of ninety something years now, he never stopped learning how to love her more.????
??She walked along the sand towards the water knowing right where he would be. And there he was, standing before the water looking out. ?
As she got closer, he turned around in quiet amazement. ‘How did you know you could find me here?’ he asked. She smiled and replied ‘I heard you call for me.’ ?
‘You heard? But how?’ he wondered.?
‘I’ve come here before and called for you,’ she revealed. ‘That must be why I could hear you call for me.’?
It was a beautiful evening, the sun setting behind them. The waves splashed among their feet as they looked out at the ocean together, at times looking at each other. There was no more needed to be said.????
??’Why do you make hats for people, gramma?’??
…She had been knitting hats for people in her community for years. She left them at the library, brought them to coffee shops, and now hangs them from the fence outside her house. She used to come home even after twelve hours of school and work to knit. Now retired, it is her reason to get out of bed each day…?
‘Is it to keep people warm?’ asked her grandson, who wanted to know more and more.?
‘Yes,’ she replied.?‘These help keep the people warm, just like your hat does that I made for you. Doesn’t it?!’?She looked at him now with a smile in her eyes.?
‘But it’s more than that.?These hats bring people love. You see, when someone uses their life energy to create something for other people, they help to bring more love into their lives.?This simple act of creating and giving these to people sows kindness and compassion throughout our community.?This love energy benefits us all.’?
He was twelve years old at the time. And now about the same age his grandmother was then, he had remembered her wise words all these years as he too knits hats for the people he meets on his walks.????
??‘Wow! She’s so beautiful,’ he thought. ?
Sitting over by the water was the most magnificent girl he had ever, ever seen. To describe how gorgeous she was would just be too much. We just don’t have words to explain the deepest of beauty we see in life. ?
He walked over to her, very peacefully matching the peacefulness of her presence. She was looking out at the water and smiling so bright. Her joy emanating from her body powerfully drew him in.?
‘May I sit with you?’ he asked. ‘Oh yes,’ she said. ‘Sit with me for a while.’ And, he knew she really meant it. She wasn’t just being courteous. She really welcomed him to be there with her in that moment. ?
She looked at him with the most loving smile. ‘Tell me about all the things that no one knows about you,’ she said to him.?
That request, the most intimate he had ever received, started their conversation that spanned the entirety of that afternoon’s sunlight before it filtered behind the trees. It was the deepest conversation he ever had and may ever have. ?
And, as songs from the birds in the trees waned and chirps of the frogs waxed, this beautiful girl he had been with all afternoon said to him ‘I love you so very much’.?
And then he noticed what had really been there the whole time…the wings that enveloped him from the beautiful girl he too knew he so loved. ?
‘You’re my guardian angel,’ he whispered with comforting amazement. ?
‘I am,’ she replied. ‘I’m always with you and I love you’. She smiled and brought his hand in hers. ‘Sit with me for a while any time’.???
??She told him about the colors in the sky?
She told him about a song that made her cry?
And about the one that made her smile?
She told him she would sing it to him in a little while?
She shared with him the desires of her heart?
And an idea they both agreed was very smart?
She shared all these things as he lovingly?watched and listened?
Please, he hoped, never let this moment end?
How he loved listening to her talk and adored being here with her in this very spot?
Yes, he loved everything about her??
He loved her really a lot?
‘God, I love you,’ he said to her because it’s all the words he could?
He surely did love her and knew he always would????
???It was intense…the snow falling from the sky. It blew all around them and was breathtaking to watch. And they did watch it, at the water’s edge, by the trees of the forest, everywhere they could.??
He helped her into the car, safe and warm inside. And then he worked on clearing the snow from around and on it so that they could go home. It was bitterly cold now, but peaceful.??
Back into the car he went, where she patiently waited.?They looked at each other. She leaned over and they kissed. It was as intense and as peaceful as snow that swirled around them all afternoon, twirling with their love for each other, through the day and into the night.????
~The Unspoken Words~???
'What is it, love?' he asked.?
She was looking at him with curiosity. The sun shined behind her, or was it her own light shining from her...?
'Am I really all these things?' she asked. 'You have told me that I am the nicest person you ever met. You have said that I am your favorite. And just a little while ago, you told me that I am beautiful in every way.'?
He smiled at her as he heard her say these things back to him, happy that she remembered.?
'Yes, I meant all those things when I said them,' he said. 'To me, you are all those and so much more.'?
He paused for a few moments before saying more.?
'And there is also the unspoken part of every one of those things. It is that…I love you,' he said.?
Now she understood. And she smiled.?
???“What do you have for me?” she asked in her peacefully beautiful voice.?
“It’s for you, and for you only,” he said. “It’s the story of ‘I will’”?
It read…?
Be by your side now and always, I will?
Listen to your every word, I will?
Follow you when you fly, I will?
Lift you up when you fall, I will?
Be your best friend in every moment, I will?
Be patient and kind for you, I will?
Smile with you and cry with you, I will?
Lay with you under the stars at night, I will?
Hold your hand during the saddest days, I will?
Anything you need, for you, I will?
Be your place of peace, I will?
Walk through all of life’s journey with you, I will?
Wait for you, I will?
Show you all that I am, I will?
Know the deepest parts of who you are, I will?
Love everything that is a part of you, I will?
I love you now and always I will????
???Another tear slid down his face. And, as it did, he thought of seeing the same when other people cried. It reminded him how sad it made him feel to see even just one tear, knowing the pain it holds.?
He had been looking down with his face in his hands for support. Too easily he had learned how to be his own shoulder to cry on. But then, he looked up and noticed the plant he loved so much across the room. It was the one that made him smile. Something new to him was there too. ?
At first, through his teary eyes, he only saw what appeared to be a little ball of light floating around it. It was hovering and swaying in a way he never had seen, much different than just a spot of light reflecting off of something else.?
Looking more closely, he also believed he saw a hand gently holding one of the leaves in its palm. It too, was different, though. The hand also seemed to be entirely of light. And, it fit in so perfectly, he could believe it may have always been there. ?
Beside him, she appeared again as before…so beautiful, so full of light and love. It was his guardian angel…the same angel he talked with sometime ago by the water; the same angel he remembered was with him all along.?
‘You see an angel of the Earth,’ his guardian angel said. ‘It is always with the plant, encouraging it to grow and touching it with love.’?
He cried more and more. But, he knew it was good; he knew he was letting the pain go. And, he remembered what his guardian angel had told him before, which she was reminding him of now…‘I am always with you. You are never alone and I have never gone away. I love you.’????
??’I can’t believe I told you that,’ he said. ‘No one else knows that about me. I just really trust you.’?
She hugged him. ‘And you can trust me. I love you always,’ she reaffirmed to him, as she held him. ‘There’s nothing you could tell me about yourself that would end my love for you. In fact, it’s everything authentic that I do know about you that I love. I love you always.’????
???She step forward, slowly walking into the woods to be among the trees.?
???She heard everything and nothing at the same time. It was both peaceful and exhilarating. She heard the leaves rustling in the light wind and the sound of a few whole trees swaying and knocking in it. She heard the water crashing over rocks from the river as she she walked along it. She heard birds tweeting and singing the whole way through. ?
???She breathed in the refreshing air. It smelled and tasted of the Earth, which reminded her of beets, one of her favorite foods from the Earth. No wonder why she loved this smell. It goes back through her whole life and through the lives of her ancestors. As she breathed in, she also inhaled a few tiny drops of water in the air from the river. This too was refreshing and reminded her of moments by the magnificent ocean.?
???She looked at the trees, noticing how each trunk split into two branches, and another two and another two right down to the smallest twigs. Seeing this seemed so familiar and beautiful. ‘How can I have more of these natural patterns in my each day’, she hoped for.?
???She squatted down and touched the moss on a fallen tree. Down here closer to the ground, she could smell the leaves and the wood from the fallen trees. She felt the sun warm on her skin. With bare feet, every step grounded her in the Earth she loved so much and which filled her with its energy, the same energy of her life.?
???She followed the path she felt she was meant to follow, including a few Z maneuvers around trees with low branches. At times, she stopped to rest, sitting on a large rock, and to experience all that was present. Here, she was at peace.?
???This is just one story of her experience in nature, shared with absence of infinite other details. But, it is her story worth sharing, hoping you might too be with the trees and the water and all that is here on our beautiful Earth.?
~the love????story of living our connection with the Earth, inspired by my study of ‘forest bathing’ and through my experiences in nature.?
??A Piece of Me???
‘Oh, before you go,’ she said with a smile, ‘come here for a moment.’?
He walked over and she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him.?She hugged him and held him longer than usual.?
‘Now you have a piece of me,’ she said, looking in his eyes.??
How lovely that sounded, but he had a feeling she meant more by it.?‘A piece of you?’ he calmly questioned.??
‘You love me, don’t you?’ she replied. ‘Of course I do!’ he passionately affirmed.?
‘Well, then I know you will really take care of that piece of me that I have given you today.’?‘And,’ she said with a smile again, ‘I know that you will show love to other people today with that piece of me that you have and love. I hope everyone you meet today is helped by our love.’?
As usual, he was so amazed at her power and insight. He smiled and nodded that he understood.?
‘Thank you, my love,’ he said, looking back at her as he walked away. ‘I love you, and I will.’?