Mosquitoes Don't Drink Rakia
“Mosquitoes Don't Drink Rakia, Biddy”. “But we sure do, Batty. Now let's talk about manipulation of the moronic masses”. “OK! So let's have it then”, says Batty, “your honest analysis of the current Covid 19 scam, which was downgraded, by the way, by the world's medical experts, to an ordinary flu virus on 19th March 2020. No news coverage, no headlines, no nothing, except a continual stream of fake news, fake figures, fake feckin. Fools! Taken it by it all. Hopeless feckin cases! It's easier to fool a fool, than convince him he's being fooled”. “We are suffering, because of those fools”, says Biddy, “and not just because of the Illuminati and their feckin disciples, who have to decided to depopulate the planet, at the same denying us of our liberties.”. “You know what, Biddy! I despise the moronic masses as much as any Illumati head-case. But at least I like who I like”. "Yah! Whether they like it or not.” “Anyhow”, says Batty, “do you believe the government is being upfront about this whole fiasco”? “I would say yes, but only if the politicians, and other such crackpots of God, had our interests at heart, Batty”. “And would you say death certs are being falsified by spineless hospital doctors' dependent upon financial government support”? “Yes! However, they're only doing so to prove that corona virus”... says Biddy, “be as deadly as”... “...they want us to believe”, cuts in Batty. “Thus”, says Biddy, “it's necessary for the dirt-bags to implement draconian measures”... “...a further erosion of our rights”, interposes Batty, “not only for our own good though, but also for the greater good of”... “5G. Obama, by the way, is an advocate of One World Order”. “The masses being too small-minded to look after their own affairs,” says Batty. “With the exception of Muslims”, says Biddy. “But the present US administration”, says Batty, “doesn't yearn for such a thing”. “On the contrary”, says Biddy, “Stand-up comedian, Donald Trump favors a free-world, in which each individual would be their own dictator.” “Would-be dictators”, says Batty, “unlike Trump, and indeed almost every head of state you care to mention, ain't interested in scaring the shit out of us – the swinish multitude”! “Gates and his 'Davos Cowboys'”, says Biddy “seem to believe that this godforsaken planet of”... “...theirs... “ way overcrowded”, resumes Biddy. “With plebeian pensioners”. “Plebeian poor”. “Plebeian weaklings.”. “Plebeian sick, disabled”. “Historically, the culling of the aforementioned”, says Batty, “has never occurred to any power-mad leader, let alone the present US administration.” “Even as a remote possibility”, says Biddy, “for improving the gene pool”. “Such a genocidal thing”, says Batty, “ cannot be part of their hidden agenda. Nor has it ever crossed their megalomaniacal minds to inject us with doses of corona virus”. “And who knows what else”? “The what else being smart regulatory-type chips, controlled by them”, says Batty, “which would make us more obedient, more susceptible to stricter controls, more yielding to lower pay, poorer conditions, a decrease in quality”... “But, Batty”, cuts in Biddy, “if we're to end up answerable to a tiny collection of ideological scumbag”... “With vastly over-estimated opinions of their own worth”. “Yes! Then surely to God”... “Entire damnation would be our lot, Biddy”. “My God, Batty, Gorge Orwell's book 1984 is”... “Now, now, Biddy! The higher command would never consider suspending our rights indefinitely”, says Batty. “Except in the eventuality of an engineered pandemic crises”. “Yes! Now put on your obligatory mask, Biddy. We're going sunbathing in the park and you know how dangerous that can be”... “Indeed, as with sitting on a park bench, it's potentially lethal; a deadly risk to anyone within a mile radius”. “If your local council-puppet says so, it must be true”. “So many distractions, Batty”. “Speaking of which reminds me of your average, heaven-bound, Facebook, Covid 19, 'stay-at-home, stay safe', amateur, sham adviser.” “As well as believing in the word of God”, says Biddy, “these total assholes continue to doggedly swallow fraudulent Government statistics”... “260,000 corona-related deaths worldwide thus far, Biddy. Whereas seasonal flu-viruses claim, on average, a mere 650,000 lives annually”. “Yes, Batty! The falsified, or otherwise, figures speak ill of themselves. To put this so-called pandemic into perspective”... “...which oddly enough, no government official has yet done”... “in the past six months over 20 million deaths have been recorded worldwide. Abortion being at number one, claiming almost 15 million. In second place, infectious diseases, coming in at 4.5 million . In third spot, cancer, nearly 3 million. Fourth, smoking, almost 2 million. Alcohol, 1 million. Phew”! “Yes, that's a relief”. “Aids”, resumes Biddy, “over ? a million. Traffic accidents, just under ? a million, Suicides, 375,00. And in last place”... “or first place if you look at it upside down”, ..."Covid 19 at 260,000.”. “Thus, we've got widespread public panic”, says Batty, “'cause the mindless majority never bother their asses probing, questioning”. “Never”, says Biddy, “'consider it an option to educate themselves”. “Instead of challenging unlawful lock-downs”, says Batty, “unlawful shut-downs, unlawful threats of fines, unlawful threats of imprisonment due to a virus that presents less of a risk to one's health than crossing the road”, “.on a zebra crossing”, “in fascist Bulgaria”. “They've been so, so feckin dumbed-down”, says Biddy. “Speaking of Hitler”, says Batty. “I wasn't actually”! “But you were thinking of him. Now don't deny it, Biddy; you raised your right hand in that inimitable, gay kinda Nazi salute... Anyhow, Hitler was undeniably a maniacal Catholic control freak, hell-bent on ridding the world of human content he disapproved of. Far from being an atheist”... “Doubtlessly a rumour put about by the church”. “He maintained”, continues Batty, “that he was doing the work of the Lord. However, unlike our present collection of sick bloody bastards in power, at least he was open about it”. “Talking about Covid 19”, “I wasn't actually”! “Yes! But you were thinking of it. I could tell by the way you were eye-balling that protective scarf of yours; the one with magical anti-corona qualities”. “Corona virus”, says Batty, “Sars, Mars-bars, whatever you want to call it, Biddy, has been around for yonks; ages even. As have literally thousands of other flu viruses”. “Wouldn't it be nice”, says Biddy, “if the sheep were to think for themselves, Batty”. “And start learning the truth, Biddy”, says Batty. “No, Batty! Sensational media headlines is satisfactory to their sparse intellectual needs. Any more... and they don't want to know”. “How many Facebook friends have you got, Biddy”? “Six, Batty”. “You mean six hundred, Biddy”. “No I don't, Batty! I have six hundred connections”. “By the way, Mark Suckerburger sent me a friend request the other day”. “Which reminds me of a certain frog-faced freak”... “Biddy, darling”, says Batty. “Gates is in a field of his own”. “Talking of home-made viruses, Batty, fancy a drop delusion in liquid form, otherwise known as Bulgarian Rakia”? “But only to ward off corona virus”, says Batty. “Maybe Gates will latch onto it”, says Biddy “and create an anti-virus serum all of his own”. “He creates” says Batty, “he destroys, he dictates, he employs, he inflates”... “He annoys”, says Biddy, “but one can't ignore him”. “But two can” says Batty. “Anyhow” says Biddy, “do you believe that the Illuminati are behind all this”? “I do! And I understand why”... “You understand why, Batty”! “Look, Biddy! If something is not done about the present state of world affairs”... “The staggering rate in which the planet's population is spiraling out of control”. “Yes”! “Then what”? “Humanity is fucked for spares.” “It says so in the bible, doesn't it”? “Let's stick with facts, Biddy”. “So you don't believe in a magic-man-in-the-sky, Batty”. “I don't even believe in belief itself, Biddy, let alone a”... “Amen, Batty. A-feckin-men”!
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