The Mosaics We Carry: How Those We Love Shape Us
Girija Menon
Driven by a passion for the written word and storytelling, I craft poetry, prose, and engaging content, infusing each piece with creativity and love. Impactful in more ways than one
We are all mosaics of those we’ve loved. Their shards live in us—sharp, shimmering, and unbreakable.
This line came with a forward, it surely got me thinking deeper than the screen, deep enough to touch my heart and sparked from there to tickle my mind, leaving me no choice but to write my thoughts down.
This resonated with me because, as I age, I get the feeling of becoming so much like my mom.? The texture of the skin, the fears, the need to be appreciated, and yes above all the touch of her palms, soft, warm – today mine is gradually getting there.
A father who was there but as the head of the family.? The breadwinner and yes with his set of rules and distance that in a way laid a foundation for us, a good ethical upbringing.? However, the mother was always there to love, and care, and she melted like butter.?? As a daughter, the balance always tilted towards her, and in a way, she and her life left lasting imprints for me particularly.
The People Who Shape Us
Yes, it’s the mother who nurtures and ensures we grow well while in the womb.? However besides, her unconditional love there are other family members, friends, teachers, mentors, and at times even strangers who mold our identities and way of thinking.?? We ought to embrace and absorb only the positives, yet where there is white there is also black.? The negatives tend to hover and that energy, from whoever it is should be avoided in every way
Words and actions leave a permanent mark and are lessons that become a part of us as we continue on this journey.?? I have had words that stung and hurt me like a bee sting.? That hurt however gave me the courage to walk the path I believed in with a vengeance and resolve.
?Shards—The Beautiful and The Sharp
Shards come in many shades and avatars
Shimmering shards – the warmth of love, guidance, and cherished moments. Most times taken for granted but the worth of those shards is realised a bit late in life when the very hearts that were the reason for the love and warmth have left on another journey – beyond life.
Sharp shards – painful losses, disappointments, or tough lessons that still define us. These hurt deep yet in a way gave us the strength to go on and stay resilient
The Professional Mosaic
What’s better than a workplace where we live a life that’s like family – but professionally?? All kinds of people make up that space.? The good, the bad and the ugly.? Learning from each one of them is the only way forward.?? The good ones mentor and help, the bad are the ones who seem like they are helping but stabbing you from behind and the ugly are the ones who have no qualms in stabbing from the front, and the deeper they go the more pleasure they derive.? Each one of them will make it to your chapters that leave a footprint for life.
Work life is in a way another school where mentors are the teachers, teams are your co-workers and challenges are the infusion that gets you better with every new day at the office and in its way shapes careers.
Leaving Our Own Shards Behind
While we are part of the universe and just a tiny dot in the whole picture, we are also the pieces that make or break another’s mosaic.?? Keeping that in mind just helps us do the right thing and stand by the values that come with a good upbringing.? If everyone did the right thing, in their circumference of life, the universe indeed would be a well-rounded and happy ball of thriving positive energy.? Alas only if this was as easy as it sounds!
Leave a mark that does not wash off. Make it good and make it permanent!
To conclude, I believe we are walking, talking mosaics.? We carry the echoes of those we have loved and learned from.? Also, learning from failures is indeed the biggest as it is so forceful and the impact it leaves is deep. I personally am a “failure’s child”.? It has given me strength like nothing else and helped me embrace the worst of the world in the best manner possible.
So, while you sit back and read this article – think about whose shards do you carry with you. How beautifully has that person been woven into those veins of yours long after they have left this world?? How well their energy runs through your blood and how magically they stay in your thoughts.
Also, remember you are going to do the same for someone else.? So you must leave shards that are as beautifully woven into the veins of those you leave behind, the energy that runs through their blood has YOU in its force and magic happens literally when they think of you.
Those are the shards and bits of the mosaic that help make the big picture awesome in every way!