Mortgage Resources versus a Personal Touch
While in our digital age online home purchasing is, in fact, becoming more of a reality, homebuyers much prefer the personal touch of interacting with real estate agents and loan officers. Personal interactions with real estate professionals are still of upmost importance to homebuyers in today’s real estate market, despite the options that the digital age offers them.
According to, “A new report from the Fannie Mae Economic and Strategic Research Group shows buyers do, indeed want more online resources during their mortgage-shopping experience. A survey showed respondents want to use mobile devices nearly twice as often in the future…however, that does not mean they place less value on real estate professionals and other person-to-person interactions, the survey showed.”
The research revealed that homebuyers viewed personal interactions – not online resources – as most influential. Mortgage lenders, real estate agents, and sometimes family and friends were all considered more reliable and dependable than online sources.
Even though homebuyers value their personal interactions more than they do online information, that does not mean they neglect online information altogether. The survey above revealed that 77% sought out information from their real estate agent, 75% asked mortgage lenders and 69% researched the information online.
There is a large demand for online resources to remain competitive in today’s market. According to Fannie Mae, real estate professionals still need to include an online element with the services they provide.
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Jim Simms NMLS 6395. Equal Housing Lender. Century Mortgage Company d/b/a Century Lending Company, NMLS 3925. This is not a commitment to lend. Program availability based upon individual circumstances.
Sources: #cmcsm