Mortgage loans can be super crazy if they don't close on time!
The most important part of mortgage lending is communications. The second most important is closing your loan on the closing date. Mortgage loans can be super crazy if they don't close on time. This was at a closing that Gary Mayes and I had for our customer Marika. This loan went south because the closing department didn't have the proper docs to the title company on time on the date of closing. Marika was moving from Mississippi to Texas. It was a hot July day in Texas and it was way to hot for Marika's family of dogs to wait in the car. Our loan was Cleared to Close and the Closing Disclosures were out on time with the closing date. At the time I worked for a large bank that had huge problems in their closing department. I called, emailed, instant messaged, and was on the phone with my lending manager. I got no where with them. This was a moment of clarity for me. I knew that I needed to go to a place where everything is local.