Morse Code—The Lost Art of Communication
Hello everyone,
Created a sample for E-Learning Heroes Challenge #229: "Reviving the Lost Arts with E-Learning"
This sample explains the working of Morse Code, Coding a text and decoding the same with the help of sound.
Morse Code and its Importance
Morse Code is a method of sending text messages by keying in a series of electric pulses, usually represented as a short pulse (called a "dot") and a long pulse (a "dash"). These messages were typically sent by electric telegraph or by light signals.
Morse Code was invented by Samuel Finley Breese Morse in 1830's. During this period it was the fastest long distance form of communication. It is still widely recognized, even if it is not as widely used as it once was.
These days, Morse Code is most prevalent in Aviation and Navy. It is also used as an alternative form of communication for people with disabilities (due to stroke, heart attack, or paralysis).
Salient Features of the Sample
Using this sample you will be able to learn:
- How each alphabet is coded and what are the different sounds that are used for those alphabets.
- How to decode the sound with the help of Morse Code Chart.
- Knowledge Check where you will hear a code and you need to guess the correct alphabet representing that code. You can also refer the chart for help.
For practice:
- Compose your text in Morse Code and verify the same using the Text to Morse Code converter.
Video Demo:
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