The morphology of Liberals to Progressives
God, Family and Country No Longer a Democrat Priority

The morphology of Liberals to Progressives

God, Family and Country No Longer a Democrat Priority

It was once a pleasure to watch academic and philosophical debates with balance between liberals and conservatives.??Enlightening, refreshing and expressing the beauty of our Democratic Republic.??God, I miss those times.?A strange metamorphosis—almost alien--has occurred with liberals that would shame the most ardent JFK day Democrats.??

Today’s liberal is a small but vocal minority of demons that abhor individual freedoms with each action and utterance.??Why the incessant need to dictate and control lives of others???Absent of consideration for:?Our constitution; opposing beliefs;?rights of others;?opinions of others;?majority desires;?or any civil and logical debate having possibility to move towards consensus.?Did I mention they love to make the majority pay for all of their transgressions via taxation and give aways to groups that are special to them.????

Their elitist mindset pushes a Marxist brand of communal freedom.??With great arrogance they imagine themselves the Alpha’ of American society and?must have complete one-way control for the good of all.?Sound familiar?????I am not happy about being considered a deplorable btw from the mouth of such scum the likes of Hillary.?

Book burning is today accomplished in grand fashion by creating new acumen and limiting free speech.??Writings and history of past that fail to pass contemporary liberal standards are sentenced for removal from existence.??Wow even Karl was not that good. . .???Forget about God btw—our creator is simply written off as imaginary. . .

Forgive me for being schooled in the 1960’s.?I missed out on CRT and gender fluidity non sense.??From that education my belief is that all this Progressive neo-Socialism crap sounds much like fascism.???I asked my history teacher a question in the 8th grade whether fascism was a natural outgrow of frustrated socialism.???He chuckled and said for sure in some cases it appears that way when reading history.???That stuck with me.???

For those of us who love God with all our hearts, minds and soul we are well aware of what is prophesized and what will be.??Does it make easier in the here in now to digest??Hell, no as we are still of the flesh having to watch idiots ruining our country and way of life.??All should aspire to be a man of God like Dr. King and look for peaceful resolve.?Wait upon the Lord as we know the wicked prosper for but a season.?

Hopefully that season is over by the midterms in 2022!??Problem being these elitists are persistent demons so I doubt it.??I guess for now,?Faith in knowing “every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,” will suffice and bring joy to my soul.?There is of course that love I have for Malcolm X and his teachings about the “white liberals” being the most vile, evil pieces of sh..?in the universe.??Along with sharing his belief I am eternally thankful for our blessed second amendment should things get out of hand in the short run.???

This new use or ruse of one-way acceptable protest--aka riot and threat behavior in lieu of due process may have saved some money on lawyers in the short run but has potentially placed us on a road to bloodshed, division and ultimate perdition.

As I listened to Senator Idiot Warren from MA beat the war drums over the Supreme Court leak and I marveled.??A lawyer who should understand that this majority opinion leaked by a liberal scum bag is in fact a pro choice decision!??No interest in the least of protecting the integrity of our Judicial arm of government.??Pocahontas what in God’ name precludes every state in our union from putting the question of abortion and timing thereof on each of their ballots and letting “the people” decide for themselves???Oh, I forgot Progressive Liberals cannot deal with Freedom of Choice in America--it is there way or no way.??She should be disbarred!

Never would I attempt to influence the vote of another as I believe in freedom. But I also believe in truth and in vein my observations are: The majority of normal people I know and interact with regardless of political affiliation believe in God, Family and Country in that order.??What is clear to me with Progressives is:?God—does not exist;??Family—is the state not your family; Country—they want to destroy it and rewrite our constitution.??

I would encourage all to think and pray really hard before voting or letting?anyone place a partisan label on you.??Personally I am a Libertarian that loves God.??There is a spiritual bait and switch going on as well so we must know these beauties by their fruits.?Biden loves to invoke God and the Pope when convenient but we have seen first hand that the farthest thing from his mind is his faith.???They will say whatever to get your vote so dig deep into their lives and character before pulling that lever.???????

My apologies I have digressed. . .?On this Mother’s Day weekend in the year of our Lord 2022, I look to Mother Mary as she is Blessed among Women.?I am eternally grateful to all Mom’ who braved childbirth and raised these gifts from God to proceed through life in love.???A very Happy Mothers Day to all! We would be nothing without our Moms!

To those who chose to raise liberals all I can say is “forgive them father for they know not what they do.”?I must go on record saying many people I love are liberals and I pray daily they will at least return to the 1960’s style where we can embrace a healthy, tolerant and respectful?dialogue.??Utopian hope I know but remain faithful. Continue to fight the good fight for God, Family and Country.??


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