Is Morphic Resonance A Pseudoscience?
Dr. Adam Tabriz
“Founder @ PX6 Medical Systems | Innovating Cyber-Physical Healthcare Solutions | Transforming Patient Care & Management”
Guerrilla Skeptics, Parapsychology, Or Philosophical Rationing Of Hogwash
This article was initially published by Illumination on Medium!
Science: The systematic arrangement of knowledge so that one can organize, test, predict, reproduce and teach to others. Anything beyond that deemed controversial referred to by the mainstream Pseudoscience will thus face scrutiny.
Some pieces of knowledge will fall short and scrutinize the traditional scientific community if they fail to offer a complete explanation and evidence-based criteria. That is even if they appear with a factual basis.
Any argument, opinion, or procedure that claims to be both scientific and factual but is incompatible with the scientific method is called Pseudoscience. for instance, one of the prominent subjects of the controversy is the topic of "Morphic Resonance."
The concept of Morphic Resonance was initially introduced by Alfred Rupert Sheldrake (born 28 June 1942), an English author and researcher. Sheldrake's research centered primarily around the field of parapsychology. He incorporated the mental phenomena such as hypnosis, and telepathy, typically considered incomplete and baseless by conventional scientific psychology.
One prominent example of our time supported by Sheldrake's theory is what Tyler Henry is currently offering to Hollywood reality TV shows!
Tyler Henry is an American reality show personality offering his clairvoyant skills to celebrities on live TV. He claims to have a metaphysical capability to perceive events beyond regular sensory communication.
According to Rupert Sheldrake, Morphic Resonance can be the opening to the explanation behind Henry's clairvoyant abilities.
Morphic Resonance: Science Or Pseudoscience?
Morphic resonance pertains to the science of self-organizing biological systems. The concept outlines that every living organism inherits a memory from previous identical systems. It describes the laws of nature as habits.
According to the theory of Morphic Resonance, biological heritage along the chain of life need not all be coded in the genes. It neither necessarily follows epigenetic modifications of the genes. Instead depends on morphic resonance from previous members of the species.
According to the theory of Morphic Resonance, individuals inherit a collective memory from ancestors' species and similarly contribute to the collective memory of their children.
Morphic Resonance may be the possible explanation behind Tyler Henry's extraordinary sensory communication with the dead. Or, for the mainstream scientific community, it may represent nothing but a philosophical argument and baseless pseudoscience claim simply because its mastermind, Alfred Rupert Sheldrake, may have failed to show proof of concept according to the accepted standards amid the orthodox scientific community. Even though the TV reality show personality has continually stunned the crowd with his accurate predictions and parapsychological ability.
Guerrilla Skeptics And Morphic Resonance
Science and Morphic resonance are in discord. But Sheldrake's concept of Morphic Resonance still may have been, at least partially, the target of Guerrilla Skepticism, after all.
To many, as pointed out in Scientific American by the author of "Scientific Heretic Rupert Sheldrake on Morphic Fields, Psychic Dogs, and Other Mysteries," Sheldrake likely evokes strong responses from the orthodox scientific community. That may be because he has been a well-known member of scientific institutions like Cambridge University. His deliberate dissatisfaction with prevailing theories of biology led him to an alternative framework, the idea of morphic resonance.
Sheldrake's opinion suggests that his Wikipedia page has been the target of Guerrilla Skepticism. That Susan Gerbic, co-founder of Monterey County Skeptics and a fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, merely dominates the Wikipedia content. He believes Guerilla Skeptics activists like Gerbic are dissuading everyone from changing their Wikipedia page contents by automatically reversing their edits.
We are all familiar with the concept of net neutrality and how a group circumvents it with mainstream radical dogmas. That is why it never surprises me to come across claims similar to those around Morphic Resonance, Science, and Pseudoscience.
Whether Alfred Rupert Sheldrake's theory of Morphic Resonance is a fact or fiction, it does not preclude that not everything needs and can be reproducible or tested. It may not even make sense to some. What is essential is that the tyranny of the mainstream today has reached a new level by bearing out of the political domain into science.
Sheldrake can explain Tyler Henry's unique capability through the concept of morphic resonance. We also call it snake oil salesmanship; still, we can not and should not tolerate free expression suppression by a 3rd party dogmatists only because the opinion sounds absurd to them. Because:
“The too sure, reasoning of the dogmatist, alone and Ironically, is a psudoscience albite they tend to recon their viewpoints as scientifically backed.”