Morocchio quotes
“Education is inevitable”
(said just before God bonked him on the head with an apple)
“I forgot where I left my strings"
(said to school inspector who couldn't fit it into his TED-Ex show)
“I would rather be three millennia behind Pope Gregory than three feet in front of me ass”
(said to @Clint Eastwood on the set of Three Mules for Sister Sarah)
“A solid head of pine is light compared to a box of same”
(said to self every day)
“I am writing more down since Linkedin stopped letting me upload video off my computer without a URL”
(which is a good thing)
(said to the world leaders conference in the run-up to #copingwithcovid)
Why not hashtag some morocchio quotes of your own? He can’t sue you his head is made of wood.
“Worms are my big worry”
(said to the fish as floating out to sea in Bojo's Cod-End)
Installation Artist
4 年Marie Hawkins you and your resident artist really helped us round at our's last week in the chilly weather. We needed to listen to trusted judgement from experience. We were able to make a very important decision that we wanted to make. Your "in-tune" nature informed us well and we were relaxed when we went to meet the school principal who welcomed everything our daughter and her mum and her dad brought with them to their new school. The one which she started proper today. Love and peas. xx
Installation Artist
4 年Chris Howard had a bit of fun with some giant type shells i hacked about with fittings and a drill coming soon matey. I am off to watch this