Morning Routines
Zach Hoskins
I help growing service-based businesses say goodbye to chaos so they can scale their impact, revenue, and profit—with less stress.
Do you have a morning routine? (mine is below)
Over the past 5 years I have tried to dial in exactly what my perfect morning looks like (for now) and I feel like I have landed on a solid one that truly gets me firing on all cylinders for the day. (Side Note: there are things I do the night before to prep as well, but that is for another post)
I believe that having a rock solid morning routine that you stick to consistently can create exponential growth across all areas of your life.
Here is my routine:
5:00am - Wake up and cook breakfast for my bride.
5:15am - Run with Ember (my dog), followed by stretching and a full body - bodyweight workout, with some 50 lb. kettlebell swings thrown in.
5:50am - Journal on these things: Daily Bible Verse (emailed to me), Daily Mentor Video (emailed to me), Personal Daily Affirmations, Prayers, 3 Things I Am Grateful For, My 90 goal, Today’s Targets/Things to Knock out, as well as ensuring I am on track to hit my core 4 for the day:
- Body - Food/Fuel / Workout/Sweat
- Being - Spirituality and Meditation
- Balance - Do something for my wife intentionally (for example: write a note and stick in her lunch box) and texting my parents
- Business - Discover something new and share it with someone throughout the day.
6:05am - Guided Meditation
6:20am - Read 10 Pages of a Business Book
6:35am - Get Ready
7am - Out the Door to Crush the Day
What do you think?
What do you do to start your day?
Have an awesome day!