Morning Pages and Artist's Date
Have you ever been caught up in a negative feedback loop, or do you find yourself waking up anxious, overwhelmed by the day ahead? Perhaps you're pushing aside challenging tasks, unsure how to proceed. I recently delved into "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron, and I’d like to share some invaluable insights from the book that have significantly impacted my daily routine. And no, they don't include doing 50 push ups on the sand, jumping into an ice bath and then pouring lemon into your eyeballs.
The book discusses the "censor" in our brains—the logical side that critiques and often dismisses our creative impulses. This is the voice that sees an original phrase or an odd pottery shape and says, "Oh no, what the hell is that? Shut it down!" On the flip side, our "artist brain" is the whimsical inventor, our inner child and creator who encourages free thinking and calls random squiggles on a page ‘art.’
A game-changing practice from the book is writing three pages of stream-of-consciousness each morning. This can be pure word vomit—letting out first thoughts without filter or worry for coherence. My morning pages often begin with stresses like needing to send out a client shortlist or touching base with a candidate I placed six months ago, not to mention the looming deadline of this very newsletter! Acknowledging these thoughts on paper has shown me they are not as apocalyptic as they feel at 6 AM and are, in fact, quite manageable.
Moreover, the book champions the idea of a weekly "artist date" with yourself—a solo venture to do something enjoyable and creative. I chose pottery, a complete departure from my routine, allowing me to disconnect from technology and focus solely on the art. While I’m no Bernard Leach, the process is therapeutic, even if I’m still struggling with the basics like centering the clay.
In summary, "The Artist's Way" suggests morning pages to unload and manage stress, and artist dates to refresh the spirit. Whether or not you read the book, trying these practices could offer you a new way to handle daily pressures.
The current job market, with its uncertainties, can exacerbate anxieties. If you’re feeling down or finding the job search overwhelming, don’t hesitate to send me a message. I’m here to help brainstorm and assist where possible. Sometimes, just talking things out can make a huge difference.