Morning Market Brief: Wednesday, May 11, 2023
CIBC Private Wealth / Gestion privée CIBC
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Sub-5% CPI suggests US inflation is cooling ?
Based on the latest inflation data released by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the April consumer price index (CPI) was 4.9%, below economists’ estimates of 5%. The measure suggests that prices are cooling as the economy recalibrates to account for over a year of interest rate increases by the US Federal Reserve Board (Fed). ?
Given the lack of major Canadian economic announcements this week, investors will likely pay close attention to market news south of the border. It appears that US inflation is heading toward more sustainable levels. However, Fed Chair Jerome Powell cautioned that the downward trajectory could be bumpy. With the CPI dipping below the 5% threshold, it is important to follow the Fed’s reaction and consider whether any adjustments to your investment strategy are warranted.
At?CIBC Private Wealth , we aim to take a comprehensive approach to managing, building and protecting your wealth. If you'd like to discuss this market and economic update in more detail, please get in touch with your advisor any time.