Morning is a call for new hope daily
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
I am going to tell you a small and interesting story through which you can understand one important lesson for the rest of life which can help you to wake up early. A long time ago there was a kid who use to wake up around 10 am in the morning on the daily basis . His dad was very upset because of this habit of him and he wanted a lot to make him understand that if he starts waking up early he can do wonders. He tried to explain that you should wake up as soon as the sun rises but the child always asks to his dad Why?
His dad tried to give a lot of reasons but it did not satisfied him . He used to think happiness of sleeping some hours more in the morning is much more pleasant than all the other things that he can achieve by sacrificing it. So one fine day his dad was walking on the road in the early morning and he saw a Robin eating some worms. He noticed that due to the the low temperature insects come to the surface and Robin eats that. He thought he should share this story to his child that if you will wake up like the Robin in the early morning then you too can get a lot in future.
Now he started moving towards home. In the way he found a bag full of gold which some one lost while walking in the morning. He happily took the bag and went to his son to explain the two incident to motivate him to wake up early. He reached home and explained his son about the incident and told him that if a Robin does not wake up early than he may have to spent his day in hunger. If I would not have woken up early today then I would have missed that bag full of gold. So, now you can understand that waking up in morning is profitable.
But what his son replied is wonderful. He told his dad that there is a other side of the story. If that insect would not have come to the surface and sleeping till late then he may be living his life happily sleeping in his small house below the surface and the one who lost the bag would not be regretting that if he would not have woke up early and he would not have went outside, he may be having all the gold coins. So, We should not wake up early. So if you are a fool then nobody can motivate you for anything and if you can understand things then even the small things around you can teach you a lot of lessons.
Many things together make me to live everyday. Everyday when I get up I generally have the hope of finding something Peace giving and full of happiness. This I think is the main thing giving me hope everyday. Also I hope for finding something interesting and life changing. I am basically an explorer. I desire to explore the world and understand its mysteries. I wake up every morning to learn something new and I am always excited with the anticipation of my interaction with life that has been my best teacher.
The lessons of life are sometimes sweet and sometimes bitter, but always important and useful. The most interesting thing is that the more I know the more I think that I know nothing. It is like exploring the sky. The higher you rise, the more universe is exposed before you. I can deeply connect with the words of Socrates, who said, 'The only thing I know is that I know nothing.’ I am often amazed by what I discover every day. I sometimes read my own writing and wonder if I have written it.
All great thoughts come from some unknown source and if I fail to capture the thoughts into words at the right time, the thought would be lost forever. Hence, I have to be always alert as I would not like to miss any valuable thoughts. I sometimes feel that in the deepest moment of exploration, I get connected with some divine forces which pour their thoughts in me and I only pen them on my computer. I then repeat the words of Albert Einstein, "I want to know all Gods thoughts; all the rest are just details." And God has been kind to me. Cheers!