The Morning Ascent
Leap & Grow Wings On The Way Down!
So many people plan and plan and never get out of the starting gate. It’s a real tragedy. Now, of course we want to look before we leap. We want to be smart about the actions we take. But there comes a time when we just have to GO for it. Or risk missing all our opportunities in life.
Will we make mistakes? Of course! That’s just a part of learning. And the truth is we don’t really know what we are capable of until we take that leap. All the thinking in the world can’t substitute for the least little bit of actually DOING.
What are we waiting for? For everything to be perfect before we do anything?
Here’s the truth:
They NEVER will be. The time to leap is NOW!
What no one tells us is when we leap, we grow our wings on the way down!
Make today your day to shine!