The Morning Ascent
Success is a continuing thing. It is growth and development. It is achieving one thing and using that as a stepping stone to achieve something else.
Six Habits of Highly Defective People:
They have a losing attitude. People generally get whatever they expect out of life. Expect the worst, and that’s what you’ll get.
They quit growing. People are what they are, and they are where they are because of what has gone into their minds.
They have no game plan for life. William Feather, author of The Business of Life says, “There are two kinds of failures: Those who thought and never did, and those who did and never thought.”
They are unwilling to change. Some people would rather cling to what they hate rather than embrace what might be better because they are afraid of getting something worse.
They fail in relationships with others. People who cannot get along with others will never get ahead in life.
They are not willing to pay the price for success. The road to success is uphill all the way. Anyone who wants to accomplish much must sacrifice much.
Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, wherever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there’s something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you’re good at – something that’s bigger than you are, and you can hardly wait to get at it again today.
The highest reward for your work is not what you get for it, but what you become by it.
Make today our day to shine!