The Morning Ascent
Our thoughts govern our actions. That is a fact.
Some people treat a drip in a leaky roof like a hurricane. Everything is a major project. They find a problem in every solution.
Murphy’s Law states, “Nothing is as easy as it looks; everything takes longer than expected; and if anything can go wrong, it will and at the worst possible moment.”
If our thoughts govern our actions maybe we should state, “Nothing is as hard as it looks; everything is more rewarding than you expect; and if anything can go right, it will and at the best possible moment.”
Most people who have negative attitudes do not realize that attitudes know no barriers. The only barriers that bring our attitudes into bondage are those we place upon them. Attitudes, like faith, hope and love, can cross over any obstacle. Realizing this truth, let me encourage you to take control of your attitudes and begin the needed changes.
Paul Harvey said, “You can tell when you are on the road to success. It’s uphill all the way.” It will take time to reach new heights. Be patient, knowing that anything worthwhile is worth working for. Although change itself is not progress, it is the price we pay for progress.
Change is never easy, yet growth demands it. Step our of your world of defeatism and open yourself to a world of winners.
Make today your day to shine!