The Morning Ascent
The Conflict of Change.
We resist nothing more than change. Many times we enjoy the rewards of change but endure its process. We are creatures of habit. We first form habits, then our habits form us. We are what we repeatedly do. It is easy to see our world only from our perspective. When that occurs, we stagnate and become narrow.
Read the following statements. One is always true. The other is not.
"Change brings growth."
"Growth brings change."
The first statement, "Change brings growth," is true only if your attitude is right. With the proper attitude, all change, whether positive or negative, will be a learning experience which results in a growing experience.
Our inability to control changing situations can cause many attitudes to crash. Some strive until they are comfortable, then they settle in and don't want to grow.
If they only knew how unhealthy such an attitude is.
Change is essential for growth. A famous inventor once said, "The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress."
The right amount of change can strengthen us.
[Excerpts: The Winning Attitude ~ John C. Maxwell]
Make today your day to shine!