It's one thing to think it, another to know.

1 Samuel 2:35


Someone is going to be fired, and a new hire will be committed to doing it God's way. God was tired of the way of self-centeredness, and was about to make a change in leadership. He was going to look for someone who had God's best interest in mind, rather than focusing on their own preferences.

It's challenging to find a person whose focus is totally on what's on God's heart. The lure of publicity, large gatherings at your meetings, etc, lure many away from God's best.

The enemies math contradicts God's by more than a mile. It can cost a lifetime of working with Jesus.

We must be careful when God gives us opportunities to help another begin to walk with Jesus and grow as a follower. Our enemies attention is immediately alerted to one who begins to help someone grow as a follower of Jesus. His strategies vary, but are consistent in seeking to diminish influence and impact.

Why does it often cost more to do it the wrong way than the right way?

How could your wanting recognition enter in and turn a win into a loss?

Everyone ends up somewhere in life. How will you end up where God wants you to be on purpose?


