

Today I read a reflection in the newsletter by James Clear (author of Atomic Habits) that I subscribe to:

There are two ways to grow: by adding or by shedding. Do you need to add something or do you need to shed something?

It reinforced an activity I did recently that's really helped me a lot recently...

I don't know about you, but a spring-time mental state is proving as-of-yet elusive to me. I think I'm still stuck in winter hibernation. Whenever I have an opportunity to do something social or exciting or that just plain gets me out of the house, I have this inner dialogue of dreading doing anything. The urge to cancel plans and just stay curled up indoors is overwhelming.

When I was having a particularly unmotivated few moments recently, I did a powerful and very simple activity in my journal:

I wrote a more/less list.

Two simple columns, and bullets under each of what I wish to have less of in my life and what I want more of. Or, specifically, activities I want to do more, and things I do that I wish I'd do less to live more optimally (habits, etc).

This list is proving to be a go-to tool... I've come back to it over and over whenever I need a little boost. I just look at my "more" activity list and do ANYTHING from that list and it starts some excellent momentum that uplifts my mood.

Need to get out of the post-winter funk? Let me know if this idea helps!


