More Working Hours and Employee Efficiency

More Working Hours and Employee Efficiency

Now, some companies are introducing a 4-day working day (Monday to Thursday) as a benefit, and Friday is for self-development, which encourages candidates, because it is something new and maybe it will work on the labor market, and in some time it will not be something extraordinary, but only everyday. Maybe this is a risk, or maybe you need to consider whether more working hours does not necessarily mean greater employee efficiency?

It is worth asking the question at the beginning, what factors affect the effectiveness of work?

This can be e.g. employee motivation and efficient team communication, action planning and time management, occupational health and safety, as well as stressful situations. Deadlines are good in one respect, because to some extent they motivate employees to complete the task, but only if there is good management, otherwise it only causes stress. Then the employee works overtime in order to "get it done", the work&life balance is not maintained, the likelihood of professional burnout increases and more.

Let's look at a country where a large percentage of people suffer from workaholism - Japan. And which country has the highest suicide rate? Yes, Japan too.

Poles have problems with professional commitments - a view that has been circulating in discussions about employment in Poland for years. The latest research by? shows that the situation is not bad. As many as 79% of respondents said that they are involved in their current duties. At the same time, however, the study indicates key factors that may limit the ambitions of Poles in the workplace. Only 39% of respondents said that the extra effort in their work paid off for employees. The boss sees that the employee performs his duties well and quickly, but does not give a raise or bonus, but only additional tasks.

Sometimes, being at work 8 hours a day, people are so tired that they are present but their minds are elsewhere. Efficiency goes down, stress goes up. A motivated person can do the same task in, say, an hour, and the job will really be done right, and someone who sits at it all day will do it, but at what cost? A lot of people will show up on time to complete the task, not for efficiency, so you need to manage tasks well, ask yourself if our work is satisfactory for us, and if not, can we fix it, is it worth being open to possible changes.



