More views on SACPCMP

SACPCMP It’s a mouthful Its is becoming more and more prominent. What is the story behind the story. As David Goldblat the Photographer said Every one has a Story to tell but not everyone is a Story Teller. Here is a small slice from my story. I am too old to call it a Blog but just as in this great country of ours we have freedom of expression you have freedom of association your mind included. The greatest invention after the wheel is not the Digital Camera but the Delete button

The South African Council for Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP) is a Juristic person established by Section 2 of the Project and Construction Management Act (Act No 48 of 2000).

Eish we have a lot of Acts regulations and laws that regulate us. George Orwell had no idea really otherwise his book 1984 would have been three times thicker. As any project manager would say we need 1984 Rev 1 . I prefer release of a Rev 1 of Billy Joel’s We did not start the fire which covers the period 1949 to 1989 when it nominated for Grammy award of the year. Best piece of Music ever written (Move over Beethoven and Mozart) Even better on Utube. Check it out then imagine Rev 1 1990 to 2017 . The works survived 40 years of some weird stuff so is it only the date that changed in the last 30 years?

The SACPCMP was established to regulate Construction Management and Construction Project Management Professionals to protect the public. The SACPCMP fulfills the statutory mandate by:

? registering professionals and maintaining a national register of professionals;

? identifying the type and scope of work for the Project and Construction Management Professions;

determining registration criteria for professionals;


The difference between a Project Manager and a Manager

From the SACPCMP’s own definition the difference is

“from conception to completion, including management of related professional services.”

“and includes the co-ordination, administration, and management of resources.” Are the only two differences in their definition.

Is a professional service not a resource. If you are confused now wait for more

Now lets look at what happens for the SACPCMP to identify the type and scope of work for the Managers. They don’t. The contractors or institutions bidding or undertaking the work decide and employ and place staff on the project and take the Financial and Safety risks. The CEO or owner/Employer under the contractor client contract is under the OSH Act automatically the appointee under Regulation 16.1. The SACPCMP control the Registration for the part where the contract and the law requires the Project Manager to be registered and any Safety Officer to be registered. The OSH act does not permit an appointee to be restricted by any registration. In any competitive business environment there are laws to cover unfair business practices and keep the competition in place for

uncontrolled and fair pricing. So does the SACPCMP provisions comply with this?

Now lets look at what happens in the registration of a Manager. Lets take a fairly large company with a few thousand employees and in the region of 4 Billion rand turnover as its assumed the Management of this business and risks to the Public which SACPCMP are out to protect is sizable. A Manager there would be 55 to 60 years old with a Degree or Diploma and about 40 years of operational experience.

The SACPCMP registration process is simple but lengthy and a large number of documents. There is then a lengthy wait because accrediting staff are limited. Backlog of thousands in Safety Offices alone who are more to protect the Company that the Public directly wait a year and more to hear

Then one gets a phone call and the norm appears to be you have to attend two courses on a selected topic which take you out of operations for 2 days and cost just under 10 000.00 each. They are run by an individual who is usually a bright academic who had to pay 60 000.00 to SACPCMP to get his course approved who is half your age and experience and good at explain the theory of his course be it programming of the basics of contract law or conditions of contract. The persons deciding these requirements usually have even less experience and can only base their assessment on you on the submission which is actually minuscule in the scope of things. Is this starting to look like a money making racket and an anti competitive practice. Wait ... more to come.

After attending and another lengthy wait you get registered but first wait for it pay approximately 4000.00 . What do you now get for this. A flood of emails advertising more courses at just under 10 000.00 a course that explain just enough to get the uninformed or the misinformed interested to try one . Each course presenter has had to pay his or her 60 000.00 to get the course approved. What does the presenter get for this 60 000.00? Be interesting to get a few answers to that question and how does this add protection to the public. This is starting to lead to hundreds of non renewals of registration because of the extremely high cost to protect the public. If you think I have covered the moneymaking part wait for it there is more. Every year you have to pay another 4000.00 and it does go up each year because of inflation or other unknown reasons besides to generate a revenue stream but for what service because besides the flood of something bordering on spam advertising courses what do you get. In a good year you will get a Newsletter. Firstly a hard copy but these are expensive later electronic distribution. Now Newsletter is also a term open to interpretation because News to you is very different to news to me. The Newsletter I received had photos and a description of the SACPCMP executives in very smart (read expensive) suites in nicely paneled offices. Try finding the Newsletter on the web site if you really want to read it. It could be there because the upgraded new and better web site seems to have been hacked because the most common thread is Error 404 Site not found. I always judge a Hotel by its breakfast and a Company by its reaction to a message on its Contact Us on its Web site. After 11 queries to SACPCMP on their contact us yes you guessed it Nada not a reply over a 3 month period. As you read this check and test your own

company. As what you do is a self-portrait of yourself your web site content is the soul and culture of your business.

Now the interesting point arises. Say hypothetically one registers at 57 as a Managing Director of a Very successful business and 40 years of experience where the Public has only benefited and not been endangered you three years later will have reached the age of 59 and at the position you hold gained another enormous amount of experience and be at the prime of your career. The SACPCMP now determine your certification is invalid and you are because of their determination not allowed to hold the SACPCMP certification your client has stipulated in their Tender document you are now in the process of successfully completing. Last week you were compliant but now this week die to the expiry of your SACPCMP certificate in Breach of Contract

Why is this? Lets go back further up to the money making part. You need to get 30 CPD points over a three-year period. Roughly speaking you acquire one point for a days course of just under 10 000.00 so also roughly speaking out of action 30 days every three years and cover your cost to company for the 30 days, 300 000.00 for the courses and the additional roughly 12000.00 for annual registration renewal. If you are an individual who has to cover this after Tax cost. Lets go back to the company that does 4 billion a year and assume it operates in South Africa and take a stab at its project managers and Safety Officers there is a approximate cost in the region of 25 million every three years as a cost that has to be recovered somewhere from Clients requiring this Who in the back row says this cant be correct. Do the numbers .Its not a complex inverse hyperbolical equation analysis with Regression analysis but simple arithmetic. Free State Standard 3 to be precise and a little cynical. Sorry. Are my frustrations showing a bit.

Are you on a fixed price lump sum or re-measurable contract. The OSH Act requires the Employer (Client) have a separate Health and Safety pay item and he is tasked to ensure its in the contract and that the contractor has priced it properly. As the project Manager has a responsibility to manage the project under the control of SACPCMP as they protect the public he or she is also responsible weather appointed or not under the Safety regulation should he not be included in the costing as well as the clients responsibility to ensure it is priced under the Safety pay item. This usually covered in a lump sum so the client in following his responsibilities has a lot of questions to ask be it himself or his appointed agent. Doing the adjudication and advising the client for his fee.

Now finally lets take a peak at the Competitions commission who is there to protect us from ourselves and each other as well as the Public being paid for by the taxpayers of which we are now contributing more than last year even though our business make less profit. You are detecting a lot of irony in this post. There is because there is a lot in the space we move. The key people in our businesses are the Managers and to stop them becoming serial killers and protect us from ourselves the law forces us to manage safety properly (this word does not really have meaning) so lets say competently. These Mangers and Officers people in a

three year cycle will have three months leave nearly 2 months public holidays and nearly 2 months out of operations attending courses with doubtful effect on competency. 10 days course on Contract law wont make you a competent litigator or even competent of managing your project to increase public safety which is the main and ultimate aim of the SACPCMP Charter. The competitions Commission believe it or not does not like going out dishing out massive fines that could close many a business or open you up to civil litigation but prefer industries are self regulating and want to operate more as a deterrent. They are making announcements that the SACPCMP requirements in its current form could be considered as anti competitive and restrictive. The OSH Act requires safety to be managed and not by a limited and prescribed person and there is a divergence between the Act and SACPCMP prescriptions.

Regulatory or statutory bodies often send out signals in the form of messages, announcements. Statements but us South Africans especially those in positions of administrative power have an inclination to a variety of adjectives and nouns that basically mean if it effects their comfort zone do nothing.

If I say watch this space I don’t mean mine but the regulation, attempt at control of free market forces. The theory is great but the cost and application equivalent on taking a Hired Car on a 4X4 Trail. It sort of works but causes damage and severe consequences later with enormous cost and parts of the journey you will get stuck and question the decision.

If you are looking for answers find your own as on my walk of like I don’t set out to provide them. Now go watch Billy Joel on Utube and if you don’t watch it twice or more then I misread you.

Music cleanses the soul from the dust of every day living. 

Colin Fowles

Independent Construction Professional

8 年

I need 52 points by next year. 67 yrs old and semi retired. I don't need any of the courses coming to me by mail at 1 or two points a shot and great cost. I will possibly be suspended/degistered by year end. Colin Fowles


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