A more thoughtful society
How do we move to a new type of politics?

A more thoughtful society

Homelessness kills. But if you create the right to live on the street, you create the right to die on the street.

These tragedies will roll on until all of us stop looking down on those living in poverty as some other species.

Task forces, action groups and inquiries in every corner of the country are trying to figure out how to end homelessness.

More than ever, we need cross-departmental action on the most effective preventative measures, as part of an all-out effort to tackle the root causes of poverty, not just its symptoms.

More than anything, we need change towards a more thoughtful society, where street living is not accepted as part of the furniture, and where we stop merely sympathising with rough sleepers, consoling ourselves that homelessness is "someone else's problem".

We need a new type of politics. One that refuses to allow people to die on the pavement.

Christie T.

Consultant and facilitator in the energy sector at Youtilize Consultancy

6 年

One of the problems with the homeless is that they actually prefer to live in isolation and much as we wish to help this cannot as we well know be forced. We have another problem which is even larger in that councils are having to house families at huge expense in b@b's and hotels including children. This situation is worse than ever and needs to be addressed seriously by councils. We are looking to build a static home with a lifespan of approx 80 years but I have to say we are not getting the support from councils that we should. A recent reply from one council was that "We do not wish to encourage a larger number of homeless to the area! Very frustrating to actually try and help at times. Any councilors reading this if you wish to help please respond. Thank you.

Andrew Bird

CEO WAC I Chairman TapTapTechnologies I Web 3.0

6 年

We need government to take this issue seriously - to stop looking merely at the symptoms and to start to genuinely understand the common sequence of events that cause people to suffer such hardships. If we can objectively tackle the causes, we will fix this. Everyone has a right to life and in a modern society that life should come with basics of a place to live, food, education and healthcare. So many people fall through the cracks of our broken society

Martin Downes FRSA

TEDx speaker | Lead Consultant Co-design | Facilitation | Public speaking coaching

6 年

There is more than enough money in the UK to tackle this problem. It can't be considered a real priority. And whilst the social and personal problems behind homelessness are complex we can find solutions to them if we really want to.

Hugh Fulljames

Startup Fairness-Engine at Fairness-Engine

6 年

Our do we need a new kind of society - one where we all care more about our fellow humans who are struggling than we do about what car we drive or how big out TV is or how low the tax rates are?



