More Things you Should Never do on your Computer at Work
A couple of years ago, I read with interest an article on my news feed by Kate Villa, the “6 Things You Should Never Do on Your Work Computer”. Kate listed these things:
·????????Never Save Personal Files to Your Desktop.
·????????Don't Go to Any Sites You Wouldn't Show Your Boss.
·????????Don't Have Personal Conversations Over Office Chat.
·????????Fight the Urge to Shop Online.
·????????Don't Use Your Personal Email.
·????????Don't Search for Jobs at Other Companies.
As usual, when people make these lists, Kate missed the mark by a mile. Here’s my list of the additional things you never should do on your work computer. Your work computer should never be used to:
·????????Sext from work. Clients might be interested in the junk your company sells, but they aren’t interested in your junk.
·????????Order food delivery to you at the office—unless you order enough for everyone.
·????????Gossip—unless it’s really juicy gossip.
·????????Participate in teleconferences in your underwear, especially while drink hot coffee.
·????????Troll for dates, especially among co-workers.
·????????Set alarms to wake you up—use a windup alarm or your iPhone.
·????????Purchase drugs—use the regular office dealer.
·????????Watch porn—unless, of course, your company is in that industry.
·????????Gamble—unless, of course, the entire office participates.
·????????Write a tell-all expose about your company. If you want to be a whistleblower, use your home computer.
·????????Write the next great American novel on company time, unless you dedicate the book to the company.
·????????Connect to the hidden cameras you installed in the restrooms.
·????????Plagiarize from co-workers.
?I hope this will keep you out of trouble and employed.