The more things change....

The more things change....

"Serious errors and no meaningful contribution" Sir John Saunders, chair of the official enquiry into the Manchester Arena bombing, with regard to the performance of Commanding officers on the night a suicide bomber killed 22 people attending a concert. Almost forty years earlier a jury at an inquest gave a similar verdict after the Hillsborough disaster when 96 football supporters lost their lives; "Failures by commanding officers caused a crush on the terraces."

There are uncanny similarities between the two tragic events. In Manchester a sole, self deployed, Paramedic was on the scene for 46 minutes before he was joined by two colleagues. In Hillsborough a solitary and voluntary St.John's Ambulance was the only assistance available to the multiple casualties initially.

The Fire Service responding to the concert explosion deployed at first to a site three miles from the Arena passing ambulances going in the opposite direction and only arriving at the scene two hours after the bomb was detonated.

In 1989 forty two NHS Ambulances were eventually deployed to the Hillsborough stadium but only two ever entered the pitch and drove to where they and their oxygen supplies were needed; the 'Leppings Lane end.' It took one hour and eleven minutes for the first Ambulance to arrive at the Manchester Arena.

In both instances, almost 40 years apart, the dead and injured were carried on makeshift stretchers (barriers and advertising hoardings).

A major incident was declared by the Police in Manchester two hours after the fact but there was little communication with the other services. A similar delay in declaring an emergency occurred at Hillsborough.

While a steward used the sound system in the Arena to calm the crowd the P/A system at Hillsborough remained silent.

Individual members in the uniformed services and civilians performed heroic deeds during both disasters proving that leadership is indeed a choice and not a rank.


