More Than A Year
It has been a long journey fighting through this unprecedented time. Even though more than a year has passed, the end of the global pandemic is nowhere in sight. Unfortunately, the active cases have been increasing exponentially and new variants of the virus are being detected. These grave circumstances have been affecting not only our livelihood but also our well-being as a whole.
When the initial cases were reported a year ago, the people affected were difficult to identify. Now, our newsfeeds are being bombarded by posts of people looking for immediate care for their family or relatives who are Covid-19 positive and by people lamenting for the lost of their loved ones because of the virus. It pains our hearts to see stories like these and its more agonizing as there are little that we can do while the cries for help have been getting louder and louder.
These have been happening for more than a year. Yes, we are enduring for more than a year and we are still pushing forward amidst the heartaches, physical and emotional pains, and financial uncertainties. That is the reality. Amidst the drawbacks that are continuously pulling us backward, continue moving forward step by step even though its painful. Our battles may be far from over, nonetheless remember the adage that "this too shall pass". Lastly, never let go of the hope that we will be victors in the end.