More Than A Strong Belt
Holtz Realty

More Than A Strong Belt

I dare say it was quite the Tuesday after a holiday to where I felt as if I was on the end of a bungee cord and bouncing hither and thither. It was a good thing I got to office a bit earlier, just so I was prepared enough for what was already on my plate for the day.

My first appointment was to show home which had come back on the market, and since I'd never been inside, I made sure to arrive early enough to where I could give it my own inspection before the buyers arrived. The home had good bones, but unfortunately it wasn't as big as the buyers were expecting, so at least it was one more they could use as a comparable whenever the home they'll really like, comes on the market.

There was a good half hour spent sharing my insights on what's happening with our market here in Mason City, as well as my take on the direction it's going. There are some weeks when I think things are slowing, and then others where it's right back to being as active as it was. Of course when hearing there's another outbreak of Covid in our area, all I could think of was how impetuous the buyers and sellers were during those times. I did promise the buyers that I'd alert them every time something would come on the market which would be a possible fit.

By the time I got back to office it was past Noon, so I grabbed a bite to eat and then proceeded to get some accounting and bill-paying done before my next appointment rolled around.

I made it a little early over to my next appointment, to get another viewing before the buyers arrived, and to my delight, the home didn't appear as undesirable as I was expecting after getting a good look at the interior photos they had online.

It came as no surprise to find the buyers equally amazed at how much better it appeared, so what I thought would be a fly-over, ended up at the top of their list. We spent a good hour or more looking around, just so they were completely up to speed with all of its features. Upon leaving, I simply asked them to give it some serious thought and then let me know what their verdict would be.

I had to make an out of town call to a buyer who was interested in a distressed property, and made sure he knew everything I knew about it before he made the long trip to see it. Thank goodness he was understanding that for such a low price, you can't expect a palace. The real relief was when he said he's not the type who buys something and then makes continued call-backs on things he wasn't aware of. Before hanging up I assured him that I would relay all the good, the bad and ugly before he makes an offer.

While driving back to the office, I happened to notice its new owner is getting the windows removed from that brick building that's at the corner of 5th St. SE and S. Federal. Of course you know the one they had barricaded-off for months on end last year. It's really quite interesting how that all played out to where I wish I'd been a mouse in the corner and listening to all sides of that curious story. I'm now wondering if the DOT had to cough up some dough because I was told that the previous owner believed it was that heavy machinery from their road-building crews which compromised the integrity of its brick exterior.

I was given some very uplifting news today about a businessman I've known for many years, now planning on running for that vacated seat of our City Council. I couldn't help saying to the person telling me, "I believe my prayers are finally being answered." For years, I've always believe the best candidates for City Council would be those who've had to weather financial storms, along with knowing what it's like to deal with the general public on a daily basis, and realize that every dollar they've made, was earned. You can be sure I'll be voting for him. Now we need to get another one who'll be running against Paul Adams.

The buyers from my afternoon showing called and said they wanted to make and offer on the home, so I got everything prepared before they arrived, just so I could get it submitted to the listing agent before the closing hour. I'm going to stay confident we'll get it put together, because it's about as clean of an offer a person could expect. I've done business with that family for many years and all I can say is, they're as good as gold.

Just as I was getting ready to close shop for the day, a contractor arrived whom I'd hired last year to do some work for me, so I stayed back and visited with him about possibly doing another job for me before winter arrives. As much as he frustrated me with his erratic work schedule, in the end, his job was good and his prices fair.

I ended up walking out with him, and before driving away, he had to come running to show me a bottle of wine a customer had given him, and of course the evocative picture of the woman triggered him to say, "This is my kind of woman." As I was walking away, I couldn't help thinking of that old saying which goes, 'When mad love comes, man is powerless.' I know I'm also being a little wicked when saying, "Some need more than a strong belt to keep their brains from dropping below their waistlines."

My appointment calendar for tomorrow is already filling up, so I'm gonna get as un-raveled as possible tonight, just so I'll be ready for what looks like another repeat of today.

Tonight's One-liner is: There is no greater evidence of superior intelligence than to be surprised at nothing.

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