More Than A Report: Free E-Commerce Script
Imagine you're the marketing manager for "any" an online retailer specializing in sports equipment and accessories. You've been running Google Ads campaigns for various brands, but you're unsure which ones are truly driving your business forward. That's where our Enhanced Google Ads E-commerce Analysis Script comes in. Here's how it transformed any' advertising strategy:
The Email Report: Unveiling Insights
Key Points:
Advantages Over Basic Reporting Scripts:
Key Formulas and Business Relevance:
Business Improvement Potential:
Sample Email Output + Google Sheet:
Google Ads E-commerce Brand and Product Performance Analysis - LAST_30_DAYS
Overall Performance Summary
Total Transactions: 907.13
Total Cost: $31,157.31
Total Revenue: $109,553.15
Overall ROAS: 3.52
Overall Cost Per Transaction: $34.35
Number of Brands with Transactions: 55
Number of Brands without Transactions: 82
Top 10 Performing Brands (by Transactions)
1. Football (Transactions: 378.12, ROAS: 3.83, Revenue: $46,313.63)
2. Baseball (Transactions: 59.33, ROAS: 3.72, Revenue: $6,124.76)
3. Bengaks (Transactions: 53.73, ROAS: 7.85, Revenue: $2,259.37)
4. Titans(Transactions: 50.81, ROAS: 2.21, Revenue: $11,760.20)
5. Soldiers (Transactions: 45.96, ROAS: 5.51, Revenue: $1,509.61)
6. Yosi (Transactions: 34.28, ROAS: 3.58, Revenue: $3,716.32)
7. Mickey (Transactions: 27.75, ROAS: 5.61, Revenue: $874.27)
8. Donald (Transactions: 23.98, ROAS: 2.50, Revenue: $2,766.30)
9. Pie (Transactions: 20.00, ROAS: 17.19, Revenue: $2,957.55)
10. Apple (Transactions: 19.98, ROAS: 20.32, Revenue: $1,786.16)
Brands to Consider Removing (No Transactions)
[List of 82 brands]
Key Insights and Recommendations
1. Focus on top-performing brands:
- Baseball is your best performer with 378.12 transactions and a ROAS of 3.83.
- Consider increasing its daily budget by 20% to capitalize on its success.
2. Optimize underperforming brands:
- 25 brands are performing below the overall ROAS of 3.52.
- Focus on Mickey first, which has a ROAS of only 2.21.
- Review its pricing strategy and consider reducing its budget by 30% if improvements aren't seen within 2 weeks.
3. Remove non-performing brands:
- 82 brands had no transactions.
- Pause these brands immediately to stop unnecessary spend.
- If you wish to retain any of these brands, consider creating a separate campaign with a minimal budget for testing.
4. Analyze product mix:
- Your best-selling product is 'Ice Cream & Tacos' with 8.16 transactions.
- Ensure you have sufficient inventory for this product and consider creating a dedicated campaign for it.
5. Cross-selling opportunities:
- Identify complementary products to your top sellers. For example, if 'Football' is a main product, what accessories or related items could be promoted alongside it?
- Create product bundles or 'frequently bought together' promotions to increase average order value.
6. Budget allocation:
- Your top 5 brands account for 64.75% of your total spend.
- Consider reallocating budget from lower-performing brands to these top performers to maximize ROI.
7. Seasonal trends:
- Analyze if any of your top products have seasonal demand patterns.
- Plan to increase budgets and inventory for these products during their peak seasons.
Detailed Brand Analysis
For a detailed breakdown of each brand's performance, including top products, please refer to the Google Sheet at the following URL:
[Google Sheet URL]
This sheet contains comprehensive data for all brands with transactions, including their top-selling products.
This summary highlights the key features of the script, its business value, the formulas used and their significance, and provides a sample of the email output. The script's ability to provide actionable insights and recommendations based on data analysis makes it a powerful tool for optimizing e-commerce performance in Google Ads.
function main() {
try {
var dateRange = "LAST_30_DAYS"; // You can modify this to any valid date range
var emailAddress = "[email protected]";
Logger.log("Starting script execution for date range: " + dateRange);
var products = getProductData(dateRange);
Logger.log("Retrieved " + products.length + " products");
var analysis = analyzeDataByBrand(products);
Logger.log("Analysis complete");
var spreadsheetUrl = createOrUpdateGoogleSheet(analysis, dateRange);
Logger.log("Google Sheet created: " + spreadsheetUrl);
var emailBody = generateEmailContent(analysis, dateRange, spreadsheetUrl);
Logger.log("Email content generated");
sendEmail(emailAddress, "Google Ads E-commerce Brand and Product Performance Analysis - " + dateRange, emailBody);
Logger.log("Email sent successfully");
} catch (error) {
Logger.log("An error occurred: " + error.message);
Logger.log("Stack trace: " + error.stack);
sendErrorEmail(emailAddress, "Error in Google Ads E-commerce Brand and Product Analysis Script", error.message);
function getProductData(dateRange) {
try {
var report =
"SELECT OfferId, ProductTitle, Clicks, Cost, Conversions, ConversionValue " +
"WHERE Impressions > 0 " +
"DURING " + dateRange);
var rows = report.rows();
var products = [];
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
var productTitle = row['ProductTitle'];
id: row['OfferId'],
name: productTitle,
brand: extractBrandFromTitle(productTitle),
clicks: parseInt(row['Clicks'], 10) || 0,
cost: parseFloat(row['Cost']) || 0,
transactions: parseFloat(row['Conversions']) || 0,
revenue: parseFloat(row['ConversionValue']) || 0
return products;
} catch (error) {
Logger.log("Error in getProductData: " + error.message);
throw error;
function extractBrandFromTitle(title) {
// This is a simple example. You may need to adjust this function based on your product title format
var words = title.split(' ');
return words[0]; // Assumes the brand is the first word in the product title
function analyzeDataByBrand(products) {
try {
var brandAnalysis = {};
var totalTransactions = 0;
var totalCost = 0;
var totalRevenue = 0;
products.forEach(function(product) {
if (!brandAnalysis[product.brand]) {
brandAnalysis[product.brand] = {
transactions: 0,
cost: 0,
revenue: 0,
products: []
brandAnalysis[product.brand].transactions += product.transactions;
brandAnalysis[product.brand].cost += product.cost;
brandAnalysis[product.brand].revenue += product.revenue;
totalTransactions += product.transactions;
totalCost += product.cost;
totalRevenue += product.revenue;
var brandsWithTransactions = [];
var brandsWithoutTransactions = [];
for (var brand in brandAnalysis) {
var brandData = brandAnalysis[brand];
brandData.roas = brandData.cost > 0 ? brandData.revenue / brandData.cost : 0;
brandData.costPerTransaction = brandData.transactions > 0 ? brandData.cost / brandData.transactions : 0;
if (brandData.transactions > 0) {
brandsWithTransactions.push({ name: brand, data: brandData });
} else {
brandsWithTransactions.sort((a, b) => -;
// Sort products within each brand
brandsWithTransactions.forEach(brand => {, b) => b.transactions - a.transactions);
return {
brandsWithTransactions: brandsWithTransactions,
brandsWithoutTransactions: brandsWithoutTransactions,
totalTransactions: totalTransactions,
totalCost: totalCost,
totalRevenue: totalRevenue,
overallRoas: totalCost > 0 ? totalRevenue / totalCost : 0,
overallCostPerTransaction: totalTransactions > 0 ? totalCost / totalTransactions : 0
} catch (error) {
Logger.log("Error in analyzeDataByBrand: " + error.message);
throw error;
function generateEmailContent(analysis, dateRange, spreadsheetUrl) {
var body = "Google Ads E-commerce Brand and Product Performance Analysis - " + dateRange + "\n\n";
body += "Overall Performance Summary\n";
body += "----------------------------\n";
body += "Total Transactions: " + analysis.totalTransactions.toFixed(2) + "\n";
body += "Total Cost: $" + analysis.totalCost.toFixed(2) + "\n";
body += "Total Revenue: $" + analysis.totalRevenue.toFixed(2) + "\n";
body += "Overall ROAS: " + analysis.overallRoas.toFixed(2) + "\n";
body += "Overall Cost Per Transaction: $" + analysis.overallCostPerTransaction.toFixed(2) + "\n";
body += "Number of Brands with Transactions: " + analysis.brandsWithTransactions.length + "\n";
body += "Number of Brands without Transactions: " + analysis.brandsWithoutTransactions.length + "\n\n";
body += "Top 10 Performing Brands (by Transactions)\n";
body += "-------------------------------------------\n";
analysis.brandsWithTransactions.slice(0, 10).forEach((brandObj, index) => {
body += (index + 1) + ". " + +
" (Transactions: " + +
", ROAS: " + +
", Revenue: $" + + ")\n";
body += "\n";
body += "Brands to Consider Removing (No Transactions)\n";
body += "---------------------------------------------\n";
body += analysis.brandsWithoutTransactions.join(", ") + "\n\n";
body += "Note: The above brands had no transactions during the observed period. Consider removing them from your advertising strategy.\n\n";
body += "Key Insights and Recommendations\n";
body += "----------------------------------\n";
// 1. Top performers
var topBrand = analysis.brandsWithTransactions[0];
body += "1. Focus on top-performing brands:\n";
body += " - " + + " is your best performer with " + + " transactions and a ROAS of " + + ".\n";
body += " - Consider increasing its daily budget by 20% to capitalize on its success.\n\n";
// 2. Underperformers
var underperformers = analysis.brandsWithTransactions.filter(b => < analysis.overallRoas);
body += "2. Optimize underperforming brands:\n";
body += " - " + underperformers.length + " brands are performing below the overall ROAS of " + analysis.overallRoas.toFixed(2) + ".\n";
if (underperformers.length > 0) {
var worstPerformer = underperformers[underperformers.length - 1];
body += " - Focus on " + + " first, which has a ROAS of only " + + ".\n";
body += " - Review its pricing strategy and consider reducing its budget by 30% if improvements aren't seen within 2 weeks.\n\n";
// 3. Non-performing brands
body += "3. Remove non-performing brands:\n";
body += " - " + analysis.brandsWithoutTransactions.length + " brands had no transactions.\n";
body += " - Pause these brands immediately to stop unnecessary spend.\n";
body += " - If you wish to retain any of these brands, consider creating a separate campaign with a minimal budget for testing.\n\n";
// 4. Product mix analysis
var bestSellingProduct =[0];
body += "4. Analyze product mix:\n";
body += " - Your best-selling product is '" + + "' with " + bestSellingProduct.transactions.toFixed(2) + " transactions.\n";
body += " - Ensure you have sufficient inventory for this product and consider creating a dedicated campaign for it.\n\n";
// 5. Cross-selling opportunities
body += "5. Cross-selling opportunities:\n";
body += " - Identify complementary products to your top sellers. For example, if '" + + "' is a main product, what accessories or related items could be promoted alongside it?\n";
body += " - Create product bundles or 'frequently bought together' promotions to increase average order value.\n\n";
// 6. Budget allocation
var totalSpend = analysis.totalCost;
var topBrandsSpend = analysis.brandsWithTransactions.slice(0, 5).reduce((sum, brand) => sum +, 0);
var topBrandsSpendPercentage = (topBrandsSpend / totalSpend) * 100;
body += "6. Budget allocation:\n";
body += " - Your top 5 brands account for " + topBrandsSpendPercentage.toFixed(2) + "% of your total spend.\n";
body += " - Consider reallocating budget from lower-performing brands to these top performers to maximize ROI.\n\n";
// 7. Seasonal trends (if applicable)
body += "7. Seasonal trends:\n";
body += " - Analyze if any of your top products have seasonal demand patterns.\n";
body += " - Plan to increase budgets and inventory for these products during their peak seasons.\n\n";
body += "Detailed Brand Analysis\n";
body += "------------------------\n";
body += "For a detailed breakdown of each brand's performance, including top products, please refer to the Google Sheet at the following URL:\n";
body += spreadsheetUrl + "\n\n";
body += "This sheet contains comprehensive data for all brands with transactions, including their top-selling products.";
return body;
function createOrUpdateGoogleSheet(analysis, dateRange) {
var spreadsheetName = "Google Ads E-commerce Brand Analysis - " + dateRange;
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.create(spreadsheetName);
var sheet = spreadsheet.getActiveSheet();
// Add headers
sheet.appendRow(["Brand", "Transactions", "Revenue", "Cost", "ROAS", "Cost Per Transaction", "Top Products"]);
// Add data for each brand
analysis.brandsWithTransactions.forEach(function(brandObj) {
var brand =;
var data =;
var topProducts = data.products.slice(0, 5)
.map(p => + " (Transactions: " + p.transactions.toFixed(2) + ", Revenue: $" + p.revenue.toFixed(2) + ")")
// Autosize columns
sheet.autoResizeColumns(1, 7);
return spreadsheet.getUrl();
function sendEmail(to, subject, body) {
try {
to: to,
subject: subject,
body: body
} catch (error) {
Logger.log("Error in sendEmail: " + error.message);
throw error;
function sendErrorEmail(to, subject, errorMessage) {
try {
var body = "An error occurred while running the Google Ads E-commerce Brand and Product Analysis Script:\n\n" + errorMessage;
body += "\n\nPlease check the script logs for more details.";
to: to,
subject: subject,
body: body
} catch (error) {
Logger.log("Error in sendErrorEmail: " + error.message);
Strategic Advisor for Media, Ad Tech, MarTech businesses & Investors | Ex-McKinsey | Wharton MBA | AI & Data Solutions
6 个月This is fantastic! The power of AI in transforming e-commerce strategies is truly game-changing. One additional benefit worth noting is the potential for predictive analytics. By leveraging historical data, the script can forecast future trends and customer behaviors, allowing businesses to stay ahead of the curve. This proactive approach not only enhances current campaigns but also prepares brands for upcoming market shifts. Kudos to the team for integrating such a comprehensive tool! ????
Author | 100K+ followers | Top Voice | Speaker | Investor | Ambassador at Expert9.
7 个月Impressive results with AI-powered data insights. Intriguing approach, worth exploring.