More Than Just a Board Game
We all experience our own unique game of life. We all have games in life that we may not have chosen, but they are given to us to test our resilience. While we may not all experience the same games in life, we are shaped by the strength we gain from them. Whether our game of life is joyful or sorrowful, we still continue to live. The game of life is not about winning or losing; it's about the journey, the experiences, the lessons we learn, and the connections we forge along the way. Whatever decisions you make in life, whether you win or lose in the game of life, you and you alone are responsible for your choices. Whether the outcome is good or bad, the first thing we do is accept it and move on with life.?
From the moment we enter this world, our whirlwind of experiences begins. This shapes us into who we are. We face the twists and turns of relationships, careers, and personal growth, constantly trying to make sense of it all. ?Whatever our experiences in this world, let us not forget that it is through these experiences that we are molded into strong and resilient individuals. It is because of these experiences that we continue to play the game of life. We stand on our own two feet. Each of us has our own perspective on life. We may have different viewpoints, but ultimately, we remain happy and healthy surrounded by those we love. When it comes to family, you may not always agree, but there are also times when you find common ground because you remain a family. Perhaps some of us are not fortunate with family, but we still rise and stand on our own two feet. Whether we succeed in our endeavors or not, we continue to live, clinging to our faith to lengthen our lives. Others are fortunate with family, but there are times when we must make decisions for our own lives. This is the game of life. It is through our experiences that we become stronger and remain resilient in the face of life's challenges.
I would like to share this so that maybe it can help you to know or to realize that life is short. Even though sometimes the circumstances couldn't know when it's come. Here are a few things to remember as you play:
For me, you shouldn't fear what's around you, you should just accept and understand it. Trust in your abilities and your instincts. The character you have now has been shaped by the opportunities and experiences in your life.?
Whatever you are going through right now, you may make mistakes or be right in your decisions, but you shouldn't be afraid because all you need to do is prepare for the outcome. We can grow and learn new lessons in life. Sometimes we don't try to find out the result because we hesitate or our fear takes over.?
Yes, this is true embrace the failures because this is not the end of your life. Opportunities are everywhere all you have to do is to try it.?
Yes, we often notice the small, beautiful things that happen in our lives. We don't notice the small events or victories. We often pay more attention to big things than small things. Because of this, we sometimes make mistakes.?
Yes, sometimes they mistake you which is what they played with. But then. it is more important the communicate rather than see what they want from you. Which is the essence of being true to yourself and to others is to make a connection with them.
I want to share my experience with you because my only goal is for you to become strong and for it to be an inspiration to you. I'm sharing this not to brag or to seek attention. Yes, you who are reading this, we may not have the same experiences, but because of my experience, I rise and continue to live a life full of games.?
During my first pregnancy, I was not fortunate as my first child passed away. The hospital said it was due to the umbilical cord being too tight around his neck. Then, my second pregnancy was ectopic. We still don't have children, but we are planning to adopt. Our papers have been approved, so we are just waiting for the child we will adopt. These experiences are painful for women and men alike. But my husband and I remain strong and trust each other. As they say, all our decisions are based on ourselves. I thought to myself, what if this happened to someone else? Would it be a source of misunderstanding between couples, or lead to divorce? Or if this happened to someone else, would they think about taking their own lives or continuing in sadness??
What did your relatives say about your difficult trials? They may not say anything directly, but some make us feel the pain. Often, no one approaches us to talk to us and ease the bitterness, but some talk about us. We may not hear it, but we feel it. Sometimes, they resort to making us envious, especially when my husband is away working abroad. But despite this, I don't let malice take over. I just keep quiet and let it be because I believe in karma.?
Anyway, despite these experiences, I am still here to stay in this world and to offer my perspective on various issues. And because of the Lord, this is our destiny. He is the one who strengthens us.?
Here are some more things I want to share with you. I just found out that there's actually a song about this, I only knew it was a poem.?
Enjoy and have a great day:-)
"The game of life is not about winning or losing, it's about the journey."
"The greatest victory in the game of life is not winning, but learning to play with grace and resilience."
"The game of life is a gift, play it with gratitude and joy."
game of life to inspire