Stephen (Steve) Utley
With a passion for leading and managing branding, marketing initiatives and communications campaigns, I have experience creating and refreshing a brand’s look and messaging that resonates and drives results.
n a galaxy far, far away, a smart, spunky droid, R2-D2 often found himself in pivotal moments in galactic history. R2 was more than just bells and whistles, his bravery and ingenuity helped save the galaxy time and again. R2 and his droid BFF, C-3PO, helped Luke Skywalker and the rebel forces turn the tide against Darth Vader, The Dark Side, and destroyed the Empire’s dreaded Death Star, restoring order to the galaxy. We at S2 admire R2 and what he brought to the table. Like R2, S2 is also more than just bells and whistles. We would like to dedicate what we have to offer to your brand, smart-analytical strategies combined with award-winning creativity. Let’s talk, and let’s tap The Force together.
Visit S-Squared Creative: Give us a ring or email us: Steve Utley, Head of Creative: [email protected]. +1 (214) 334-1480.
#ssquaredcreative #branding #creativity #marketing #advertising #brand #digital #communications #socialmedia #design #graphicdesign