More than an Essay, a Framework for Success

More than an Essay, a Framework for Success

Picture yourself in high school. You are in English class, your teacher tells you to pull out a pen and paper to write a 5 paragraph essay on the topic of your choice. The class lets out a big sigh in unison, then you put your head down and begin to map out your essay. Introduction, body and conclusion. Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them with three supporting facts then tell them what you told them. You learned all you need to know about elite communication in high school. The 5 paragraph essay is the foundation for all forms of communication. It should be used as your go to framework for sales pitches, board meetings and interviews.

Sales is a game of gathering information (discovery) and leveraging what your learned to build a case for the prospect to buy your product or service. Using the 5 paragraph essay as your framework, use it to guide your discovery process. Formulate a thesis which will be the basis of your essay. Discovery will help you to uncover facts about the prospect's business in order to support your thesis. Once you have a thesis and your facts you wrap it with an introduction and conclusion. The introduction used to paint a picture, tell a story and set the hook for your pitch. The introduction highlighted by the thesis which succinctly tells them what you are going to tell them. Emotion supported by logic, facts about their business which support your thesis. Tell them how and move them to close. The conclusion tells them what you told them, using emotion supported by facts to ask for the business.

Great pitches make great wins, which make great board meetings. A board meeting has similarities to a sales pitch, but instead of persuasion, you inform and educate. An audience not concerned with how the cookies are made, but how they taste. The introduction an opportunity to set or affirm vision, paint a picture of success and the pillars supporting the vision. Those pillars the foundation of the plan, each supporting the vision providing examples of successes. A well executed conclusion affirms the vision backed by 3 tried and true pillars of action, leading to success. The 5 paragraph format proving a valuable tool in the tool chest.

Delivering a board meeting does not happen until you've nailed the interview. Deploying the 5 paragraph essay is the key to victory. The introduction used to set the stage for what the company looks like with you in the seat. Unparalleled success from a top performer who has been there done that, in fact, there are 3 distinct examples of relevant success which prove you're a perfect placement for the position. Each story supporting a vision cast in the introduction, supported by 3 relevant stories demonstrating to your new employer how you will impact their business. All wrapped up in a bow with a conclusion reminding them of a future with you in it, one fully supported by your experience. A conclusion so powerful the job is offered on the spot.

High school taught us a lot of things, nothing more powerful than the 5 paragraph essay. A tool tailor made for masterful communication, not only in written form, but used to deliver the best sales pitches, build confidence in a board meeting and land the job of your dream. Communication is an art worth mastering, the 5 paragraph essay is a simple communication framework to help gather, organize and deliver impactful messages, through any medium. A framework so simple, a 16 year old can do it.

Faith Falato

Account Executive at Full Throttle Falato Leads - We can safely send over 20,000 emails and 9,000 LinkedIn Inmails per month for lead generation

3 个月

Josh, thanks for sharing! How are you?

Nate Nasralla

Co-Founder @ Fluint | Writing about selling *with* your buyers, not to them.

1 年

The right narrative structure is gold, and the process of translating a convo into written content is always clarifying. Good stuff right here.


